Obelisk on (moon of)Mars

by cptkirk 31 Replies latest social entertainment

  • cptkirk

    I know this is old news, but there are so many crazy rubber truck notions about outer space in the database....was wondering if a lot of people even caught the fact that they actually did find something real on the moon of mars. Unless Buzz Aldrin has all of the sudden taken a ride on the coocoo express as well..and nasa is conspiring to get more money....


  • Lore

    "The universe put that there"

    Sounds to me like he knows darn well that it's just a rock. But it would still be interesting to know exactly how it go there.

    He also knows that the general population is going to see an unusual thing on the martian moon and think aliens did it.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    The term monolith is a bit of a stretch and is used for the obvious connotations it seeks to convey (intelligent design), shadow cast is consistant with a boulder (there's one SE of it for comparison) so it's no taller than it is wide and is just a sharp edged boulder. It isnt square or regular enough for anyone to even begin to seriously claim intelligence behind it's existence.

  • cptkirk

    well, it is either a. or b. or both then as far as alternate explanations. i know the man has knowledge in physics at a level which few share...i do find it interesting that there was an interview with him on CNN with a bunch of alien nuts, and he was shooting them down like target practice, then a year or two later he goes on C-Span and says this.

  • maisha

    and how does a boulder get onto a moon, boulders not generally sharp edged, especially on a moon that is very smooth

  • AnnOMaly

    This guy put it there:

  • AnnOMaly

    He's also responsible the pyramid found on Mars itself by the Curiosity rover in 2012.

  • cptkirk

    in all fairness, the pyramid was a football sized rock, the "monolith" can be seen from orbit.

  • cptkirk

    It is, an anomaly, ms. ann. :)

  • AnnOMaly

    It is. Isn't a probe going to be sent there one day to investigate?

    I wonder if they'll discover it emitting a loud choral/humming sound ...

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