Memorial invitation

by John Locke 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • John Locke
    John Locke

    Got this email from an elder. Makes me f*ckin sick....

    Hi JL,

    I was just at your flat to invite you to the memorial. You were not home so I put the invitation in your mailbox

    We still miss you and would love to see you again. The elders also received a letter from the governing body were they tell us how much they love and care about all those who have stopped associating with the witnesses. They wanted us to tell you that.

    We hope to see you soon

    Love and greetings


  • Iamallcool
  • Chaserious

    Good thing they don't know why you stopped attending. They would have to instantly stop loving and caring about you.

  • Iamallcool

    They do not do a good job of exploring why different people stop going to the meetings and make any improvements.

  • whathappened

    There they go again, that governing body is imitating Satan again, wanting to be like God. How disgusting they are.

  • Joliette

    I hate how the GB uses the whole we love you crap. So fake and phoney! I got an invitation under my apartment door a few weeks ago. I actually am going sadly, not because I suddenly got a leap of faith or a feeling a zeal, because I want to see some of my old friends and say hi. I honestly miss seeing a lot of people.

    The elders also received a letter from the governing body were they tell us how much they love and
    care about all those who have stopped associating with the witnesses. They wanted us to tell you that.

    We Love You..

    Until You Have to be Crushed!..

    It`s For Your Own Good!!..

    ................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • Satanus

    They love me. Thats why they dffed me. Right. If they undf me, and make that announcement in ALL the kinghalls where they know me, then they'll have my attention. Until then, *(&*^&$%^$#%^$#


  • smiddy


    Obviously you had great associations social and otherwise with witnesses over the time you spent in the religion.But seriously since you have not associated ,how many of them have sought you out ,contacted you by phone ,visited you at home ,e-mailed you , or tried to contact you in any way.

    I would hazard a guess and say next to none ,is that true ? They play on your emotions , make you feel guilty and hone in on your vulnerability.

    Dont play their game , you are above all that ,if they want to associate with you ,let them make the move.They know your address ,your telephone number ,your e-mail ? Why is it they will only talk/communicate with you if you go to the meetings ? Isn`t this conditional on your obeying their dictates ? Does your going their under their conditions make you subservient to them again?

    Just saying


  • smiddy

    I had a letter /mag in my mail box last year from a neice who invited us back to the memorial ,we live in the same small town community ,she doesnt visit us, or phone us,and we only live a few K`s away from each other .She lived two blocks away from her mother who she never contacted ,she never contacts her fleshly sister or her step sister or any other relatives.She has been a witness all her life and she must be in her 40`s now with two teenage children.I`m seriously thinking of sending her a message this year ,i`ll let you know if I do.The letter and invitation I received last year was prompted by a talk from the platform ,not by any loss of communication on her part.


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