Title Jehovah's Witnesses Purchase Florida Arena
Appears In "Amusement Business." 109(30)p.10.July 28, 1997
Note WATCHTOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY will buy the West Palm
Auditorium & Stadium from the city of West Palm Beach for
$12.5 mil
Abstract The WATCHTOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY (Jehovah's Witnesses)
will buy the West Palm Beach Auditorium & Stadium from
the city of West Palm Beach, FL, for $12.5 mil. The
transaction is expected to utilize much of the proceeds
to help finance several projects, including a downtown
renovation program along with public parks and recreation
programs. The city had been able to lower the subsidy for
the facility from $750,000/yr 3 yrs ago to $250,000/yr,
according to Mitch Sauers, pres of Globe Facility
Services, which manages the facility. When the
Jehovah's Wiltnesses (sic) own the facility, it is
expected to spend a considerable amount to renovate it
and expand use to around 25-30 weekends/yr.
ISSN 0003-2344
B&I Ac.# 01903140
My point? None really, except that I get tired of hearing about how the WTS is not a profitable BUSINESS.....