Hypocritical comments by JWs regarding the Catholic Church in light of the new Pope.

by Theocratic Sedition 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • LongHairGal


    I tend to agree with your post, especially the part about religions turing hypocrisy into an art form when criticizing other religions. It is a joke really and is like the pot calling the kettle black. They are all wrong in varying degrees, some more than others and some older than others. They all stink as far as I am concerned.

    On more than one occasion I heard the Catholic church criticized from the podium and once it "stumbled" a visitor that we brought to the hall. So, all that criticism cost them a potential convert. It was my opinion that the JW religion was jealous of the Catholic church as a rival and I feel it emulates them as much as it can without "selling out" and seeming pagan.

    I also feel that the religions of the world were in direct competition with existing monarchies. Maybe in today's world this is not as applicable as there are fewer monarchies, but it was and is about greedy power over people.

  • 00DAD

    I'm glad many of you appreciated the chart I posted on page one of this this (posted again for reference).

    I should have given credit to Cedars for this excellent visual!

    Catholic vs. JWs

    I got it from one of Cedars blog on his jwsurvey.org site.

  • Theocratic Sedition
  • SAHS

    Roberta804:" Truth be told, every other religion I know of EXCEPT JWs, do a lot of good by feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, providing help for the infirmed, teach our children, heal the sick, comfort the dying and help those with addictions and so much more. "

    Very true. In that respect, there is vast difference between the JWs and others.

    Unlike the JWs, the Catholic churches, as well as various Protestant churches, do benefit the community by providing food for the poor, sponsoring addiction and grief counseling, etc., which can readily be seen. On the other hand, the public shunning thing - even shunning because of openly differing on some doctrinal issues (automatically considering the person as "disassociated") - and not to mention many other oddities (birthdays, blood, beards, and on and on, blah, blah, blah), seem to be quite peculiar to the JWs.

    The point of this thread, however, is the fact that the JWs have always been making hypocritical comments regarding the Catholic Church when, in fact, there ARE some SPECIFIC similarities between the two, namely the hierarchical structure, which is so authoritarian in both cases that it almost resembles India's caste system (i.e., the entrenched and constantly reinforced "pecking order"), as well as the pedophilia thing, and also the propensity to "go beyond the things written." In these very SPECIFIC ways, the two have significant similarities – and the point is that there are way too many of these SPECIFIC similarities for the JWs to be constantly making hypocritical comments from their "holier than thou" high horse. But, of course, the Catholic Church is NOT the same in many of the other things that really matter (the essence of the "law of the Christ"), such as those things you outlined above.

    Take care.

  • steve2

    Roberta804, my apologies if you saw my post as making sweeping generalizations and ignoring all the good that is done by the Catholic Church. To be fair, though, I took as my starting point the way in which the JWs ignore the good inside many churches and become fixated on the very aspects in other churches that their very own organization is "guilty" of. Besides, the focus of the post was the broad hierarchical similarities between the JWs and the Catholic Church. Nevertheless, I acknowledge the validity of your comments.

    Another poster claimed me and other posters ignored the many other Christian religions whose memberships number into the scores of millions. Yes they exist, but you'd know that even though the Watchtower critcises them as well, historically it has "reserved" a special pit for exposing the iniquities of the Papacy.

  • steve2

    Longhairgirl, excellent point about the unhelpful way in which the often inconsiderately-delivered attacks on other religions made in public talks in kingdom halls have put untold numbers of visitors off ever going back again. Mind you, it is perhaps better that visitors directly see what the negative "heart" of the witnesses' religious faith is so they can make an informed decision about whether to ever go back for another visit!

  • whathehadas

    So true about the JW's being hypocrites. So much criticism about the Catholic's system of hierarchy, when they have the SAME type of system. They say that the Pope is treated like a God and WORSHIPPED by the members. Funny thing is, if ANY one of the GB members came to their hall for a visit, they would be all big eyed and would cater to WHATEVER the GB member would want! So what's the difference with the Pope having a parade with public appearances and the JW's licking the shoes and arse of a GB visit?

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