So, this week has been HELL!!! It's been bad enough that all of our JW friends & family having been shunning us, 'unfriending' us on Facebook and sending nasty emails to Gojira... So I have a dog, Zoey that likes to tattle on the others, even humans. If they are doing something she doesn't like she comes and jumps on me whining and tells me. So Zoey starts raising hell and scratching on the side of the house, so I opened the back door to see what she was pitching a fit about and I hear hissing, so I noticed the other dog, Abby had dug a hole beside the sewer pipe so I thought we had a leak since I was running the dishwasher. So I went to investigate and HOLY S#!T, Abby had dug up the propane gas hose that runs from our tank to the house and had chewed it all up and propane was spewing out. So I had to run around the house and hurry and figure out which valve to shut off on the tank. Thankfully Zoey is a tattletale and let me know. I could be dead and where the house is a big hole in the ground. So I called the gas company. $60 an hour + parts. Good thing it's not the middle of winter and we would desperately have to use the furnace because he cannot get here until tomorrow. She's lucky I don't hurt animals other wise she would be dead.
Anyone else having a bad week? Thought I was going to die!
by Newly Enlightened 11 Replies latest jw experiences
Wow you sure dodged a bullet with that NE. Thank goodness Zoey is a tattle tale.
Hope your week gets better
Newly Enlightened
Thank you. Then Hubby wonders why my nerves are shot.
13/13 DON'T GO OUTSIDE! this too shall pass. better days ahead. what would the good days be without the bad days to contrast them to.
Now that is scary! Propane can be much more dangerous than natural gas because it is heavier than air. It flows along the ground seeking the lowest pockets like water. It lays there until dissipated by air movement or is ignited. The crawl spaces under a house can reach critical saturation easily.
Natural gas, being lighter than air, is more forgiving in it's rapid dissipation but still dangerous in a confined space.
Will you replace the connection to the house with buried hard pipe?
Newly Enlightened
Oh Yeah, metal pipe it is! That's what was so scary because the entire area by the back door reeked of gas. That would have been a movie sized explosion! Capt Kirk [ Love the name by the way] usually 13 is my lucky number. The last Friday the 13th I won $100 on a lotto scratcher.
Hi NE! Thank goodness Zoey warned you :).
For the rest, I cannot imagine how bad the "unfriending" must feel, and I'm so sorry Gojira is getting nasty emails. Hope you both find many new, real friends and fun activites out here in the "worldly" world.
Hey NE, all this unfriending is just making room for all the new friends you are going to get in the next few years, friends who like you for you, not because you share the same faith!
Your propane gas story sounds scary, Zoey is a star!
I'm so glad your doggie is a tattle tale.
finally awake
what a good dog Zoey is! I'm glad your house didn't blow up!