Brother placed 'Teach" Book to President Obama? WTF?

by Smoky 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Smoky

    I just read a post on Monday aprox 9pm on the "Escuela del Ministerio Teocratico/Theocratic Ministry School" on facebook (posted in spanish).
    It is talking about an experience given in a OHIO, Circuit Assembly.
    It reads that a brother that was a worker at the Factory Obama was visiting, was able to Preach briefly to President Obama and place the book 'What does the bible Teach' during a quick meet and greet.

    I think its bullshit.

    Anyone ever heard of this experience at a Assembly?

    I dont have a cpu, and my phone is not working, for me to copy, translate and post on here for you all to see. Maybe one of you can?

  • Tater-T
  • RobertT18

    You know what bothers me? These so called witnesses using facebook for their stupid bs. I reckon it's not true, even if it was true Obama probably recylced the book or panflet.

  • Tater-T

    ooopsw my bad drunker than 900 indians sorry I'll be back to exsplianre

    dear god!!


  • Finkelstein

    There's usually alot security around the Pres. and executives of the company he's visiting at the time, so I call BS.

    Maybe this was an attempt by a sole JWS who felt guilty about not going out in service recently so to amend they came up with a BS lie.

    And yes JWS BS and lie about their hours spent in service too.

    Not saying it totally imposable but highly unlikely.

  • sir82

    There have been stories of random JWs placing literature with presidents, popes, kings, etc. for the past 80 years.

    I'm sure it has probably really happened once or twice....but the stories exist for every US president back Herbert Hoover.


    This sounds like the famous myth about President Clinton's helicopter hovering outside the GB's office window. We were told that the Prez would hover there with secret service because it was the only safe spot in NYC.. He knew he was safe near the JW's.

    Sounds made up.

  • RobertT18
  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I heard the story back when I was in bethel that a sister related her experience at a Discrap Crapvention of placing some litteratrash will Prez. Clinton. But she couldn't keep up the lie and later admitted that it hadn't happened. I have no idea whether it was true or not. WT is full of it's own urban legends. And lies spread faster than truth.

  • tiki

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