Does anybody know how they elect new Governing Body members?

by dgp 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • smiddy

    1. whoever farts the loudest gets the vote (black smoke )

    2.whoevers fart smells the sweetest gets the vote ( white smoke )

    3.whoevers fart doesnt ignite the match gets the vote

    4.whoever doesnt fart goes to the back of the line ( no smoke )

    5.whoever comes up with stupid doctrines

    6.whoever comes up with more stupid doctrines

    7.whoever agrees with the more stupid of those doctrines

    8.whoever agrees that a lawyer should be a part of the GB

    9.whoever agrees that a lawyer /Gb member should be a part of the F&DS

    10. All of the above


  • Iamallcool

    Ray Franz should answer this question since he was one of the GB, but now he is deceased, maybe his wife Cynthia Franz can tell us what Ray told her about appointing new GB members.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    It's a popularity contest, nothing more.

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    Just like the pope is elected, by a 2/3 majority vote.

    Information as close as it gets - there has never been an official statement in any publication about the procedure.

    "A major factor in Governing Body decisions was the two-thirds majority rule. This produced some strange effects at times."

    (Crisis of Consience (2004), page 115, by R. Franz, former Governing Body member)

  • dgp

    Interesting. The short answer would be "Jehova's witnesses don't know how the members of the Govening Body are elected".

    I know that these days there are some members of the GB who are not of the anointed, but let's go back and think about the time when they were all anointed. It's always YOU who tells the world that you're one of that "class".

    It would be even more interesting to know how you become a member of the board of the corporations. That should be available in a public instrument, right?

  • Chaserious

    They are still all annointed. At least to the extent that you believe annointed is really a thing.

  • tiki

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..................wait for the holy smoke........then you will just will just know................

  • Iamallcool

    dgp, I would think all of the gb in the past and present must be one of the anointed unless someone proves me wrong.

  • blondie

    How does an elder body select another elder? Same procedure just a "higher" level for GB selection. It is a popularity contest, looking for good company men. Cardinals are just good company men.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Jehovah tells C. T. Russell that someone else is ready to join the Faithful and Discreet Slave. C. T. tells the current Faithful and Discreet slave who it is and as long as Joseph Rutherford doesn't confuse the issue by saying something completely different, it's a done deal.

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