So what will happen to a Witness if he doesn't shun a disfellowshipped person? Can he be disfellowshipped himself? Reproved? I am looking for an answer based on official Society doctrine and procedures, and not personal experiences. Thanks.
Punishment for not shunning?
by davidsf 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You will be disfellowshipped if you continue to associate with a disfellowshipped person after you have been warned not to. This is the procedure that is outlined in the Shepard the Flock Cult Manual. Someone here might expand, maybe some ex elders here have had some experience.
Here ya go:
*** w81 9/15 pp. 25-26 Disfellowshiping—How to View It ***
25 All faithful Christians need to take to heart the serious truth that God inspired John to write: “He that says a greeting to [an expelled sinner who is promoting an erroneous teaching or carrying on ungodly conduct] is a sharer in his wicked works.”—2 John 11.
26 Many of Christendom’s commentators take exception to 2 John 11. They claim that it is ‘unchristian counsel, contrary to the spirit of our Lord,’ or that it encourages intolerance. Yet such sentiments emanate from religious organizations that do not apply God’s command to “remove the wicked man from among yourselves,” that seldom if ever expel even notorious wrongdoers from their churches. (1 Cor. 5:13) Their “tolerance” is unscriptural, unchristian.—Matt. 7:21-23; 25:24-30; John 8:44.
27 But it is not wrong to be loyal to the righteous and just God of the Bible. He tells us that he will accept ‘in his holy mountain’ only those who walk faultlessly, practice righteousness and speak truth. (Ps. 15:1-5) If, though, a Christian were to throw in his lot with a wrongdoer who has been rejected by God and disfellowshiped, or has disassociated himself, that would be as much as saying ‘I do not want a place in God’s holy mountain either.’ If the elders saw him heading in that direction by regularly keeping company with a disfellowshiped person, they would lovingly and patiently try to help him to regain God’s view. (Matt. 18:18; Gal. 6:1) They would admonish him and, if necessary, ‘reprove him with severity.’ They want to help him remain ‘in God’s holy mountain.’ But if he will not cease to fellowship with the expelled person, he thus has made himself ‘a sharer (supporting or participating) in the wicked works’ and must be removed from the congregation, expelled.—Titus 1:13; Jude 22, 23; compare Numbers 16:26.
Yeah that's right. When I served on an elder body we were instructed to warn a few publishers about repeated association with DFed family members they did not live with. If they make it too blatent they can indeed be DFed themselves.
The important part:
'But if he will not cease to fellowship with the expelled person, he thus has made himself ‘a sharer (supporting or participating) in the wicked works’ and must be removed from the congregation, expelled.'
A few years ago there was a marking talk given at my hall by the elder formerly known as presiding overseer, the reason for the talk was that a JW mom and dad were having association with their disfellowshipped daughter and her newborn child ... their faithful JW daughter reported this distressing situation to the elders, apparently she was distraught after coming in contact with this sister a few times while visiting her parents.
The elders, after a number of sessions trying to readjust the couple's thinking about this association without the desired results, went ahead with the marking talk. It was very strong, the speaker made it clear that anybody in such a situation that did not comply would face disfellowshipping. The talk and marking produced the desired results, the parents lovingly ceased all contact with their wayward daughter and their new grandchild.
That is a disgraceful experience wannabefree. This religion sucks the life out of people's lives.
From 'Shepherd The Flock of God':
Chapter Five
Determining Whether a
Judicial Committee
Should Be Formed10. Though this is not an exhaustive list, brazen
conduct may be involved in the following if the
wrongdoer has an insolent, contemptuous
attitude made evident by a practice of these things:
• Wilful, continued unnecessary association with disfellowshipped nonrelatives despite repeated counsel.
.-Matt. 18:17b; 1 Cor.5:11, 13;
2 John 10, 11; w81 9/15 pp. 25-26.'Brazen conduct' is bad, apparently.
If they did not have this punishment for those who ignored the rule, shunning would barely continue to exist. Everyone realizes it is UNchristian, UNloving, and a disgusting policy. They try to bullshit themselves into thinking they are "helping" the wayward person. In reality, it is a policy to keep active JWs from associating with anyone who may have discovered TTATT and could influence them.
In practice, this rule is applied differently depending on the local elder body. I think it is unusual to be df'd for this; don't know anyone who was.
But I know of other very silly reasons people are df'd.
I have a df'd adult son. If the elders wanted to meet with me about it, I would decline, telling them I am sick, working or don't have time.
Imagine a religion telling you not to talk to your own flesh and blood!