Did you ever have elders forget to due their due diligence and read fake stories from the platform? I got a great email I need to format about several stupid elders and ministerial servants who read spoof JW Urban Legends from the platform. Big Brother said one of the clowns did this while the C.O. was visiting town and the elders had to get up and tell the Congregation "We are sorry but we have no idea what this elder is talking about!"
Second letter mentions another chain-letter, fake story of three sisters out in service who heard demon voices and prayed and prayed and they finally expelled "The Legion" from a man who claimed to be the Son of Satan. The Urban Legend read by these sisters at Meeting said "Satan told me Jehovah's Witnesses are the most dangerous religion because they have the pure light of Truth. The former demon possessed man is now looking to Pioneer. Here is the problem, none of these stories are real, they were sent by people and fooled invididuals to read these letters at their Kingdom Halls. How embarrassing to read a fake story, only to have the elders take the sisters and brother back to the Hall and say "Please check your sources, you do not know the origin of the "Smurf Story" so why read this on the stage?
Look's like we are not missing much people, trying to boost moral with fake, unsubstantiated stories wrong, mentally lazy and good material to make us here laugh at how dumb these people are!