Burqa Minds in Kingdom Halls: viewing the world through a narrow slit

by Terry 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    To non Muslims the sight of a woman shrouded in a shapeless tent with only a slit for a peephole is stunning!

    To a Muslim, however, it is a gender-specific category of ethical behavior decorated with words such as honor, modesty and respect.

    More importantly, perhaps, is a CENTRAL IDEA or mindset which I shall now call the BURQA MIND.

    If I can persuade you to do something unnatural, confining and opressive and can convince you that doing it is absolutely right and better than others who do NOT do it---you are displaying a BURQA MIND.

    What is the process?

    1. Attach an important practical result which carries with it an element of "protecting" someone from something.

    2. Exert authority and power as though it is above criticism or debate.

    3. Connect it with piety and submission to divine edict.

    4. Threaten suppression, discipline, ostracism or death for failure to comply.

    5. Frame compliance to the rules as voluntary willingness as a matter of conscience rather than compulsion.

    Let us now ask an important question.

    Are Muslims women the only people who possess Burqa Minds?


    Consider the mindset of Jehovah's Witnesses for a moment!

    1. Attach an important practical result which carries with it an element of "protecting" someone from something.

    2. Exert authority and power as though it is above criticism or debate.

    3. Connect it with piety and submission to divine edict.

    4. Threaten suppression, discipline, ostracism or death for failure to comply.

    5. Frame compliance to the rules as voluntary willingness as a matter of conscience rather than compulsion.

    7 Million Burqa Minds view the world and their own lives through a narrow slit in Kingdom Halls around the world.

    Their lives are a shapeless tent of confinement to rigid and unquestioning obedience.

    The victims are convinced they voluntarily observe destructive and oppressive doctrines of men because they

    are pious and honorable.

    The outside world looks at these people as pitifully misled.

    More importantly, these people are a danger to themselves, their own families and to others for the simple reason

    they are eager to make everybody else in the world JUST LIKE THEM!

    BEWARE the Burqa Mind!

    Thanks to http://marvinshilmer.blogspot.com/ for scans!

  • Terry

    I spoke with a Muslim woman at length about burqa use and she defended it completely which is her right to do.

    She said it was to prevent men from sinning in their mind by thinking impure thoughts.

    I asked her why that wasn't the man's responsibility and why men were such infants they couldn't be trusted to control their own behavior.

    Jehovah's Witnesses, on the other hand, defend being told what to do, when to do it and how it must be done. They defend wrong teachings which are changed because they choose to see it as humility and progress on the part of their leaders.

    Scientologists defend "Fair Game" which targets ex-members with utter ruin even it takes trumped up charges.

    Mormon's defend baptising dead people and selectively ignore the fact the heiroglyphic papyrus' used by Joseph Smith have been demonstrated to be pages from the Book of the Dead and not the words of Abraham.

    Millions of inerrantists defend and believe absolutely that the bible is without contradiction or error in the "original manuscripts" knowing full well

    there ARE NO ORIGINAL manuscripts to prove it!

    We are surrounded by Burqa Minds and they are utterly convinced they are MORE RIGHTEOUS than anybody else!

  • Terry


  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    Burqa or not, most men have their mind on the "narrow slit."


  • Finkelstein

    The oppressive controlling factor to most of this is fear, to obey or deal with any entailing consequences of not obeying.

    Religious spirituality offers particularly toward men an element of power and control over their own personal living environment

    which sometimes is taken advantageous toward themselves..

    If you look back at human history at the various civilizations that existed the designated and recognized individuals of that civilization

    who were the most powerful and prominent, were the spiritual seers or high priests.

    Certainly one can recognize good things come out of those set controls but can also see a lot of discretionary bad things as well.

  • coffee_black

    You are exactly right, Terry.


  • Finkelstein

    I'd like to see some these Islamic clerics wear and walk around with a Burqa for awhile and see how they like it.

  • Finkelstein

    Talk about slavery, mental repression, submissiveness and obedience ..... Good grief

    Hard to believe that this is happening in this modern day. ...... truly disgusting

  • Terry

    Looking at the world through a narrow slit of preconception and presupposition and under the thumb of authority as a measurement of your "loyalty" to the power structure is the single most destructive situation faced by religious people.

    Agree or disagree?

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    Very good points you make Terry. I have never seen the Vow list before it looks to me like a very large amount of connivance by the Society. I would also call it entrapment. It reminds of the oath of allegience to Hitler that all members of the armed forces were required to state publicly thus completely making him a dictator.

    As for the argument that women should wear the burqa in order not to lead men into temptation it follows that gold ,silver and all valuables including sheep ,camels, goats etc. would also have to be covered as they can very tempting which is quite ridiculous. Thou shalt not covet should cover the situation.

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