Female Preacher digs into the Word of God with her boobs out
by His Excellency 15 Replies latest jw friends
Well, there's the nip slip heard round the world.
His Excellency
This is actually how the word of God should be preached, if preachers stick to this method, the gospel will quickly get to its target audience
Advertise Advertise Advertise the queen and her well you know. Maybe it was a sermon on the Song of Solomon.
A plus in the Second school for use of i llustration
His Excellency
Would be more productive to get more sisters do this at the TMS. May be there would be few male apostates
Hey I'd listen to her for about a 1/2 hour, I may not agree with what she's saying but my eyes would be trying to focus better the whole time.
Does saying now I've seen it ALL make sense?
His Excellency
00DAD - lol. You have been visiting places