Yet another "Shunning is good for you, honest!" quote in the June 15th 2013 Watchtower

by cedars 104 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cedars

    Hi folks

    That's right, the new June 15th 2013 Study Edition is out now on this link...

    The following quote caught my eye, from the final study article on page 28...


    It's remarkable how little the Society now attempts to disguise the fact that disfellowshipping is essentially nothing more than emotional blackmail, and a person's desire for reinstatement has virtually no spiritual basis - but is borne from necessity and desperation.

    Robert admits that contact with his family would have "satisfied" him, as though such contact were some sort of fix from a drug he shouldn't be taking.

    Robert also admits that his "desire for association" was "a motivating factor to return to God." In other words, he returned to the arms of a cult because it took his family hostage, not necessarily through guilt or repentance at any perceived wrongdoing.

    Ain't that the truth.


  • confusedteenager

    The more I read this stuff.

    The more sick I feel.

    And I know I can't be the only one in my congregation.

  • suavojr

    so how long will it take you cedars to come back? Funny how this person did not mention God beign the main and only motivation... cedars how will you cope with this rejection once you finally come out??

  • happytobefree

    Please tell me why returning to GOD...was not his main motivator. If he's moving toward being!!!

    Poor Robert

    Losing your family can be rough...but alot of people lose their family to more tragic situations. But I'll be DAMNED if I would let my family or the WTBS force me into misery ever again!!! Freedom is so much better than a religion or family. When you have freedom you can create your own family.

  • 00DAD

    So people "return to God" because of their "desire for association" with their family.

    Things that make you go, "Hmmm!"

    This is almost word-for-word a repeat of this little gem from only last Spring:

    After he was reinstated, he said that he always missed the association with his family, ... the burning desire to be with them became one motivating factor in his restoring his relationship with Jehovah. - The Watchtower, April 15, 2012, p. 12, par. 17

  • LostGeneration

    What a piece of shit paragraph! Gawd these pricks don't have an ounce of compassion do they? So what leg are loyal JWs going to have to stand on when their children let them rot in their old age?

    Ironically, this paragraph in an earlier lesson points a very different picture of Jehovah. Perhaps a side-by-side graphic with each paragraph would show the hypocrisy Cedars?

    Another one of Jehovah’s endearing qualities is reasonableness. What does it mean to be reasonable? The original-language word usually translated “reasonable” in the

    New World Translation literally means “yielding.” (Titus 3:1, 2, ftn.) A reasonable person does not insist on always holding to the letter of the law, nor is he unduly strict, stern, or harsh. Rather, he strives to be gentle in his dealings with others, taking into consideration their circumstances. He is willing to listen to others and, when appropriate, to yield to their wishes and adjust his requirements
  • 00DAD

    Clearly then, it is wrong for a Christian to want to "check up on" any of our wayward family members. It is wrong to let them know we love them and miss them. The right thing to do is to make them miss us and come back to us. We must never, ever encourage them or make them feel that we want them to return. We must make them wonder. We must make them uncertain of our affection and love.

    Anything else is disloyal to Jehovah.

  • Finkelstein

    Ask a JW elder if there's any scriptural basis to publicly announce DFing of an individual in front of a group of congregated people.


    There is positive and factual evidence that DFing within the JW organization has driven some people to suicide or to a lesser extent

    great emotional trauma. I personally think DF came about because the WTS. leaders knew their organization was founded on true

    conniving bullshit, so to protect what they acquired out of people they issued their own dispelling of people who would not be good

    candidates for supporting their organization.

    The WTS. had to constantly look outside of their organization to counter opposers and justifiably inside as well.

  • Quendi

    It has already been mentioned how “Robert” put his family before love for God as his motive for returning. The writer of this article is as blind as a stone not to see this. One can only wonder what he, the editors of The Watchtower and the Governing Body are thinking to print this blasphemy.

    This paragraph reminds me of a political cartoon of more than thirty years ago showing a crazed Ayatollah Khomeini saying, “You Americans just don’t understand. Threats, fear, intimidation, kidnapping, murder, genocide…That’s the way a religious government operates!” And I might add that’s also the way certain cults operate. There’s one based in Brooklyn that comes to mind.


  • LostGeneration

    This also makes me wonder about the old "necessary family business" clause.

    Seems like that is almost out the window after reading this propoganda

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