Recovering, forgiveness and letting bygones be bygones is a good thing, especially when others also had a part in previous confrontations and using poorly chosen words.
Botswana, I just finished part 1 of your story. It was well written, easy to follow, and it kept my attention, even though I have a form of attention deficit disorder. You really loved your Father, and it sounds like you had a nice bond with him, something that many of us never had with our own Fathers. You were blessed, and I'm very happy for you! I'm sure you consider yourself very lucky to have had such a great relationship with him. He must have been quite the architect since he studied under the tutorage of the legendary Frank Lloyd wright! Wow, that is a very impressive resume! I bet he had all kinds of neat stories about his time spent working with Mr. Wright. Do you still have any of your Dad's blueprints, or any drawn up by Mr. Wright himself? I bet they are worth a pretty penny if you do, and if you ever did decide to sell them, you would make quite a nice profit! Then again they probably hold great sentimental value to you, and there are some things that we just can''t get rid of, no matter how much someone is willing to pay.
It is dissappointing but typical that the JWs were given many chances to show the love that they claim to have, but denied you any of that supposed compassion and empathy with the exception of a select few who tried to at least make an attempt help you. What is worse are the ones who take advantage monetarily if they have a chance to make a nice profit off of ones who need the money as the one did to you and your father by buying the $1000 painting for $50. Talk about kicking someone when they are down! Sad that the good ones who do have genuine love seem to be few and far between among the supposed happiest people on Earth. I try to cut JW's some slack, and try not to be overly critical, but there is a limit, and there comes a time when one realizes that there are serious problems with the poor attitude and lack of genuine love amongst many of them and the way they interact and treat others both inside and outside of their cliques.
I'm sorry that your marriage didn't work out, and that the JW's had a part in your marriage problems, even though your wife seemed to be self centered. Relationships are supposed to be pretty much equal, and when one party is willing to take but not give back it puts a big strain on the other person and is very unfair. When you are ready, I hope that you find a Partner that is willing to give back and invest in your realtionship on a more equal basis. Only then will you be truly happy.
You've been through a lot, and you lost the most important person in your life, your Dad. Every time you think about him though, and reminisce about the times that you spent together and the love and respect that you both had towards each other, a part of him stays alive.
As I said before, your story was well written, and I look forward to reading part 2 when you are ready to post it.
Always believe in yourself and follow your heart. It will help you as you contemplate your future and what you decide you want to do with your life. Please don't let depression get the best of you as it did when you wanted to end your own life. From what I've read, you appear to be a very strong person, and I'd be willing to bet that you are able to take past bad experiences and use them as life lessons to strengthen you and help you grow even stronger both emotionally, and spiritually if that is what you are looking for.
Take care, and good job!!!