I ask this of all who know TTATT and yet still attend, I am interested, when will you judge it is the right time not to go to Meetings anymore ?
A big part of me wants to say "
by Phizzy 19 Replies latest jw friends
I ask this of all who know TTATT and yet still attend, I am interested, when will you judge it is the right time not to go to Meetings anymore ?
A big part of me wants to say "
I was asking myself that same question the other day. I really don't know. I've missed a lot of meetings recently due to the children being ill or needing to go to bed early on week nights. We have only made about 4 or 5 Sunday meetings and no Thursday meetings at all in the last couple of months & done field service once during that time and I was thinking it would be easy enough to just stop going now... But I'm a wimp too. I don't feel mentally ready to face the elders. I'm still not brave enough to tell my family although I plan to tell my sister soon that I have a few doubts, just to prepare her a bit that I might stop going soon. Plus we have a few things coming up soon that would be really noticable if I missed them - memorial, assembly and CO visit. I want to be out by the end of the year but don't know if I can last that long.
That's a good question Phizzy. While reading a book of Chinese proverbs, I came across an interesting passage. The gist of it was that knowing when to make your move is just as important as the move itself. So I think about this all the time, but that is how I am anyway. I contemplate for quite a while and then I act. I am an INTJ type, so that's how I roll. When I do act there is no stopping me come hell or high water, and because I am not vocal my actions seem rash to some. In actuality I have been contemplating my actions for some time.
I have a plan that I am working on. I want to maximize the chance of freeing other family members. That requires that I suffer for the time being.
Being raised as a JW caused me (and I think a lot of other folks here) to make decisions about life and act on those decisions because of external pressure. This external pressure becomes internalized and produces guilt. I've been fading (on the outside) for about a year. And during the process of realization (TTATT) I've made a concerted effort to extract the guilt and deflect the pressure.
JW thinking is "group think" - you must think like me, act like me, feel like me. We would patronize any person, group or organization that wasn't like "us".
Some who have left the WT continue to think like a JW.
I've chosen my own path. I will exit fully in my own way, in my own time.
if my kids grow up, and they leave the witnesses, I WILL LEAVE............
my wife at that point--> will have no leverage point to black mail me with
P.S......... they (kids) currently hate the meetings, they even hate laundromat witnessing.
For me it was becoming painful to sit thru and even be at a meeting once I had sufficient doubts and knowledge to challenge it all.
I know my last circuit assembly during the baptism, they have the last few years started playing music during the baptism and this really played havoc with my cult sensitivities so I just had this overwhleming feeling that it was a cult and that I needed to leave NOW. I literally had a panic flight or fight response to it and went outside for fresh air. The attendants were suspicious of me as I am terrible at hiding my emotions so had it all over my face that I hated being there. I had to wait though as I had a passenger so during lunch break I rounded up my nephew who had come with me in my car and we went the 130 miles home.
I really wanted to not go to any other meetings and just went to a few to appease family, then missed a few months until memorial 2 years ago and that was the very last time i will go. I wish I had not been so fearful of my families reactions as I could have gotten away with it sooner if I'd just got on with it.
witness, you have a pm
Me and my wife are personaly strongly determined never ever even approach KH. I will vomit right in front of an entrance. I need to return my elders book, and I think to send it by mail. Only not to visit this place. The only one time lately I was thinking to visit meeting, when member of governing body had to have a public talk. I thought to ask him something about justification of pedofhilia or something else provocative and LOOK into his eyes! But even this motivation wasn't so strong to go and listening his bullshit.
Good soul .. were you an elder then? what did it for you, what awakened you.
I'm a newbiee and i really appreciate reaading on why this is happening to us.