Okay first I'd like to point out that I'm not a book worm and I probbaly don't have much experience when it comes to the bible.
I just don't understand God's pourpose and the JWs point of view. Fisrst, if God is love and kindness, couldn't he give a second chance to Adam and Eve? I know they were perfect and all but still, doesn't make any sense to me. When it comes to prophecies and all of that yadah yadah I still don't understand! What does GOD has to prove? He's the creator of everything, he has nothing to prove to anyone including angels/ spiritual entity. I just don't see the point of letting humanity suffer just to prove a point. If God cared about humanity he would have done something a very long time ago. If you want someone to trust you'll do anything to prove you are trust worthy. In this case, why doesn't he do something for humanity in these times of need to make people believe in him. With modern society and technology most of the world's population don't give a flying crap about God because there's no actual proof of his existence. I'm just trying to figure this crap but one thing I can say is that religion is darkness and is full of people that have no clue what God is.