They are like "Spaghetti-Os with little hotdogs" with a drink of "Strawberry Quik", those products lost their momo back in the 1970s, along with Bethel's King Pinns
"They went out from us, but they were not of our sort..." - worst ever scripture to lead an anti-apostate talk?
by cedars 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I agree, no other church mentions "apostates" the way the JWs do, not even the Mormon faith who will remove a strong basher of their group, but they must really be bad news. JWs use the apostate removal much looser than all of Christendom out of fear, fear of people finding out they do not have, what they claim to have. The internet has made their life more problematic, it's so convenient to look up a website, late at night when everyone else is asleep.
I wonder what the next fifteen to twenty years is going to bring for this "out of code" bottle of "Tang"?
How can someone be "of our sort" for 30 years and then suddenly become "not of our sort?"
Amelia Ashton
The more they talk about us the more impact we must be having on them. IMHO
Dismissing servant
That's true. I think that the WTS has got a huge problem with "apostates". Probably they also have a huge problems with the rank and file not being loyal shunning family members. Otherwise they would never publish articels like this one so frequent.
I wonder if anyone thought to add an apostate abatement wing at their new upstate facility?
They're gonna.... NEED..... it!
It is all designed to imprint firmly in the mind of the R&F that they must not hear or read one word against the WT or the GB.
I know a guy who has been out for sixteen years and still will not consider anything from the internet or what he would call "apostate sources".
In other words he will not ever consider another point of view, his mind is still firmly closed by the propaganda he grew up with, if he carries on that way he will never be free.
Looks like they are getting desperate.Perhaps they will become even more hardcore in the near future.
never a jw
Hi Cedars, Is that the Saturday schedule. Is is the district convention or the circuit convention. I ask you this because my wife (a JW), who knows very well my opposition to the WT was very interested in attending with my two children a different circuit convention in English (ahead of the convention for their Spanish congregation). She and my kids normally attend Spanish meetings and conventions. I wonder if she wanted my bilingual kids to hear those speeches in their first language (English). They only attended the Saturday part of the convention. I found the whole thing odd, but didn't try to search for anything.
Excellent point, Cedars. If they are ashamed of their past and have to cover up, deny and whitewash it, that says it all.