All articles on porn depict males attention. So this is another depiction of male interest. ie females dont masturbate.
Why Is This Video By Jehovah's Witnesses Sign Language Dept. So Wrong
by BlindersOff1 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Lady Lee
the videos clearly demonstrate the sign for female masturbation. This is I think one of the few times the WTS has even suggested that women might masturbate.
Dismissing servant
Yes, llama, the first time I saw it I almost didn't believe my own eyes.
But, yes, it must be a bit embarrasing for those brothers. Some people in Brooklyn/ Patterson must have seen it on the web. Maybe som of the Bethel staff and the rank and file had a good laugh about it.
Indeed, this never gets old.
A gift that keeps giving...
...graphically exposing inane Watchtower "legalism" and "moralism".
Someone please post a link to the video/s for any newbies/lurkers.
Why the hell hasn't anyone made one using the Divinyls' song "I Touch Myself"???
Newly Enlightened
My daughter Gojira_101 is a professional sign language interpreter and this is what she posted on another topic. It is a 'spoof' that has been going on another topic.
Also LORD I don’t want to put you to the test, but what were you thinking when directing the Whacker Brothers in making that video for the deaf? I have had to do so much damage control with the deaf community and other hearing interpreters, they think it’s hilarious and I have tried to up hold your name and get them to take it seriously, but it’s been to no avail.
I asked her, as a professional what was so wrong with it. She said that they are too graphic with the signs. Professionals are a little more discreet and you don't need the exaggerated gestures or facial expressions.
But she can chime in on this topic if she's not too busy....
LadyLee, really cause it sure looks like they have a grip on something other than a vagina.
Actually the more i watch this the more i am convinced that these lads are VERY proficent at masturbation.
The face expressions, the intense looks and the hand movements give signs they seem to know exactly what they are doing...
pure wankers.....
I'm thinking this video was fun to make for these guys, and for the Governing Body as well. I wonder if they held auditions for the signers?
I believe in the resurrection...
of Watchtower hilarity.