Chatter on the street is that there exists a very high possiblility of the NEW NewWorld Translation being distributed. It comes from a reliable sources, but who knows. Has anyone heard anything about this?
NEW NWT'S Distributed at 2013 Conventions?
by TheSnarkyApologist 26 Replies latest watchtower bible
The first District Conventions in the US appear to be May 17 in Oklahoma City, OK and in Brooklyn, NY. Anyone here attending?
Wonder how they will justify a new translation, since they claim that holy spirit was primarily relied upon for the accuracy. Have the dubs been using a bad Bible since the fifties? We all know the answer to that.
I was talking with a JW from my cong and she has also heard about this rumor for a long time, but nothing yet.
I hope we go back to green! Wasn't it fun to stand out as truly different with your green bible at the door?
Seriously though, we need a new study book release. The last two were Bearning Thorough Witness and God's Word Through Jeremiah. Done and almost done! I can't go back to the Revelation book a fourth time!
I asked for a bible last week at the literature counter. The literature brother said none in stock and that he heard a rumor that there is a new translation. Maybe he heard it on this web site
I agree WhatHappened.
I've also been thinking, since my awakening I started studying and using websites like to compare translations. I like that one as it has commentary references too. After comparing several scriptures IMO there are way better modern translations out there as far as the NWT is concerned. So why would Jehovah leave his people with an inferior translation when Christendom has got it better?
Seems strange. LOL
If there is a new Bible, they will have one to show from the platform, then say they'll be taking orders for it at the KH and to watch for the shipping annoucement in the KM. They're not going to hand out tens of thousands of copies on a donation basis, especially when they can get top dollar by leaning on the publishers when they try to place an order.
I can't go back to the Revelation book a fourth time!
Oh, there you are mistaken. Very much mistaken, I'm afraid. And a fifth time! And a sixth! A thousand studies of Revelation! Until the generations overlap!