Nice find.
"WT Publications are all propaganda!" admits the Awake! magazine
by 00DAD 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I wish I could take the credit OODAD, But that homemade pie came from the kitchen of the WTS
I can not bring up any postings on this subject. Can any one help?
paladin: I can not bring up any postings on this subject. Can any one help?
What do you mean? You found this one. Please clarify.
00DAD, I didn't intend to lie about the source of the material (but thanks for the link!) only my motivation for researching the topic to begin with. Either way, I guess that still makes me a liar. And now I feel bad.... (not really)
FadeToBlack, you're not a liar. You were merely searching for truth and look what you stumbled upon: The Truth!
And it was right there in an Awake!
Who'da thunk it?
wha happened?
They really have no shame now. It's almost like they are just toying with people.
How to use the " Reasoning From the Scriptures "
" Even if you have not studied the material in advanced, you can use it to give a satisfying answer. Everything is right here in the book , stated in a simple and concise manner."______Reasoning from the scriptures book page 8
Brothers. Are we not bless to have others to reason for us ?????? No thinkin' needed Jus' parrot the words
of our propaganda
Lady Lee
I fixed the first post so IE users like me can read it
Thank you Lady Lee!