off the top of my head--yeah first they don't refer to him as presiding overseer, he is now conductor of elders, or you will see some use the acronym cobe(body); which i would never use because it infers some sort of familiarity with them, or at the very least, reminds me of kobe bryant who i like, so that sort of goes against the grain too.
only 2 meetings a week now, they did away with the book study groups (which were supposed to be the safe havens once the apocalypse hit) so guess there is n3w l1ght there....
the number 2 talk is no longer a talk, you just read the bible that's it.
the sunday talks were cut down in length to i think 30 mins...
there is now a watchtower magazine that is used for only jws as opposed to the one that disseminate ...
have to stop thinking about it now