I am feeling very naughty and am looking for dares to carry out tomorrow.
Any suggestions?
Not been to a Kingdom Hall in about 7 years and fancy going tomorrow.
by usualusername 10 Replies latest jw friends
Wear green suit, tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day. Hurry up and go to the clothing store. When you hear some bullshit from the Platform, play some fart sounds.
If you are a woman, wear some revealing white dress with green bras and underwear.
Bring Crisis of Conscience instead of the NWT
Wear green. Snort when you hear BS. Kiss everyone as you leave the hall.
seriously - why? are you that bored with life? go to the mall...a museum....whatever is in your area that is fun and interests you ....don't waste time trying to make sense of the senseless.
Why? I'd rather stick a pencil in my eye.
Dismissing servant
Hmmm,, you feel naughty.....in that case there must be better places than a Kingdom Hall!
Have a good time at the WT study!
I have visited a number of times- even went out in field service once-- and I never actually said I was a JW- just visiting from out of town- anyway, it is an eye opener to see how the meetings have changed and how they haven't changed. I had to stifle myself last time, in the service meeting when the elder talked about how the community respects JWs , because of their honest lifestyle- and even the thugs in bad neighborhoods won't harm them- the angels are protecting the, etc, etc. The old bobble head JW mentality is still alive and well. After the meeting I nicely informed the elder who gave that talk that he was full of BS- the community does not like JWs ( shunning, lack of social action and charity, aloofness, stuff) and that is why they don't want to talk to them.
It's too bad that more people don't tell JWs to their face what they think of them, as they really feel they are wonderful people.
Dress like the evil Leprachaun.
Whenever you hear nonsense, call out, "BLARNEY!"
Keep muttering stuff under your breath, like, "They stole me gold!"
Open your Bible to the page where you just happen to find a 4-leaf clover. GASP really loud.
When someone asks you why you came to the kh today, say you followed the rainbow to its end, which was right here.
When the police come to take you to the psychiatric crisis center, do not tell them this was my idea.