I had one young bethel type hardcore opinionated elder come into my "comfort zone" with some of his personal nonsense. After he slammed his hand down on my coffee table, because I did not agree with him, I kicked him out of my house and ask him if he wanted to take it out into the yard.
Taking Elders Out of their Comfort Zone; The Little Room
by TMS 16 Replies latest jw friends
There is truth in the O/P.
I have seen elders in my house literally shaking with stress when Sis Blues called their bluff on the cack-handed "counselling" they had. She showed that she remembered better what The WTS had printed, and had a better Bible knowledge than they did. Those elders never returned.
life is to short
OTWO I know that elders are not to talk to sisters alone and I knew it then also, I kick myself for going into the room alone but it happened a lot to me and I truly thought that it was God's true religion and I had nothing to fear.
I was so wrong, the elders loved to get me alone and say hurtful things to me which when I brought up to others what the elder had said to me the elders quickly denied everything. I look back now and am amazed at what all happened to me. Even my husband allowing it as after the huge battle over the pedophile and my being told I had to accept him as a brother in the truth or ELSE I went to talk to the than PO COBE at his home this was just in 2010. This guy was OLD in his early 90's but his mind was sharp. He sent his wife out of the room so it was just him and myself. He just started LYING. Telling me I was making up everything from my own abuse, that he knew my father and he knew my father never abused me. Than he went on to the fact that the pedophile never raped kids. He was saying that the pedophile deserved a chance and I was causing divisions in the hall by my dislike of the child molester.
I had brought my Bible with me and I was showing him scriptures from the Bible which ticked him off to no end as I was just a women how dare I.
He finally starting shaking and told me I was a woman who needed to know her place in the hall and I was stepping out of LINE.
Why I allowed myself to be lead into the backroom alone and why I went with them I cannot answer now. Never in a million years would I allwow myself to be treated that way now. And why my husband did not flip seeing me crying my eyes out over how horrible they talked to me is mind boggling to me now why did he not throw a fit when he saw me alone with these elders? I just think we were both kind of blind sided by it all. My husband could not and still is having a hard time seeing the reality that they hid pedophiles in the hall even through it is right in front of him. We just got into a fight about it again last night in that they have reinstated the pedophile and he is back going door to door, but it is in the next hall over and my husband is swearing to me that NOW the pedophile is going flanked by three to four elders. I was so flipped out last night fighting with my husband over it, how stupid can my husband be. I told him it never happened in our hall but he said the other hall is different. Yeh right. And why does a pedophile need to go door to door flanked by three to four men????????????????????????????????
I was just such a true believer that I never thought something like this would happen. My husband thought he knew these men they were his fellow elders and they way they turned on him also was amazing and why my husband still goes to the meetings and puts himself around this sucm drives me crazy. These elders could care less about my husband when he had his heart attacks they still kept dumping on him all of the stuff that they as elders would not do. All the ones in the hall who had problems my husband was the one who the elders gave these people to because these elders needed to spend time with their family's and they just did not have the energy to handle the crazies in the hall they can only help the pedophiles.
What I cannot understand is why the elders put themselves to be alone with me. They were the ones who initiated talking to me alone. I never asked to speak to any elder alone. They were the ones dragging me into the backroom and the friends in the hall saw it and yet said nothing! Then they said I was crazy and I was mentally ill and I was insane.
I truly felt I was going crazy as they denied, denied, denied, denied, denied everything they said to me alone, it was so crazy making I could not wrap my mind around it.
I really think in my heart that they were trying to drive me insane or to have me commit suicide but for what reason I do not understand.
Thank goodness they are only elders and not EMS, police, fire brigade, doctors, coast guard etc..... They would spend a lot of time praying and not a lot of time helping, if a woman that wants to do more door knocking scares them....
Big fish, very small pond. Let them have the pond.....
Well I have to say for me it turned out to be GREAT !!! I am so glad we were mis-treated at so many levels...and I was really liked. But it was an awakening for me to see the hypocrisy of the org...the re-start of Life!!!
- I just can not blame the blameless...so many in these positions are clueless and feel they are doing Gods will...sad but true.
I had two elders try and get me to say I did not trust the Gov-Pope! And I had comments made like " oh then u are bitter? " I said no I am disappointed!
Now if they walked into my back yard I would tell them something different
I get bolder with age...why? Because I am WISER AND NOT AFRAID ANYMORE...
About 15 years ago, I signed up to auxiliary pioneered and was rejected because I had just gotten an unscriptural divorce from a brother who waa fishing buddies with many of the elders. My husband was violent toward me and I had to get a restraining order.
At the exact same time, another sister had divorced her husband because he liked to have intercourse with her during her period. Her application was accepted and she was allowed to auxiary pioneer that month. Jehovah's direction? Holy spirit in action?