He decided to take me somewhere nice in the country for a day instead, and when he suggested it last night I was AMAZED that he would have even thought of missing the meeting! He was one of those guys who only missed a meeting, literally, if he had a spinal injury and couldn't move!
But, I've been sharing a little of the TTATT with him, teensy tiny bits that I can substantiate from the Bible or other reputable sources. I don't know what's going on in his mind at the moment, but losing his job on Friday seems to have pushed him closer to the edge. When we were out today and I expressed surprise that he was missing the meeting to take me out, he said, "There's been so much going on I just have to get away from things."
I know he has a lot to think about. I'm happy that he's allowing himself time to think on his own, and not going to the meeting to have the Watchtower think for him. I know it's a little premature, but I'm really excited because this may be the start of him joining my fade. And if it is, the elders might want to come and 'save' him.
And the new job opportunity he's pursuing will have him working Sundays, which, I'm praying he gets!!