My husband MISSED the meeting today! Unheard of!

by Julia Orwell 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    He decided to take me somewhere nice in the country for a day instead, and when he suggested it last night I was AMAZED that he would have even thought of missing the meeting! He was one of those guys who only missed a meeting, literally, if he had a spinal injury and couldn't move!

    But, I've been sharing a little of the TTATT with him, teensy tiny bits that I can substantiate from the Bible or other reputable sources. I don't know what's going on in his mind at the moment, but losing his job on Friday seems to have pushed him closer to the edge. When we were out today and I expressed surprise that he was missing the meeting to take me out, he said, "There's been so much going on I just have to get away from things."

    I know he has a lot to think about. I'm happy that he's allowing himself time to think on his own, and not going to the meeting to have the Watchtower think for him. I know it's a little premature, but I'm really excited because this may be the start of him joining my fade. And if it is, the elders might want to come and 'save' him.

    And the new job opportunity he's pursuing will have him working Sundays, which, I'm praying he gets!!

  • LostGeneration

    Very cool indeed!

    I really hope he joins you. I know you have already been through hell with the elders, it would be great if he is able to see through the lies.

    Take it slow, just be there for him and let him find his way.

  • talesin

    That is VERY promising.

    I hope he is not too gutted about losing his job, and gets the new one.



  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    Meetings dont pay bills. Hope he gets that job too.

  • Sparlock the Wizard
    Sparlock the Wizard


    Glad you could both take a break from the meetings.

    Best of luck with his new job opportunity

  • braincleaned

    Love this! My best to both of you!!! :D

  • happy@last

    Hopefully he is starting to think for himself, I hope you had a lovely day together. He needs love story this time, show him you care about what is going on in his head and will be there to help. I hope he gets the job too.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Thanks guys! I'm really hoping, hoping hoping, and loving, as well as coaching him about this new job opportunity. If he gets it, he's set for quite a while. It's a prestigious business and he's got what it takes to do the work, and my mum and I have been encouraging him.

    It means he might have to work Sundays - yay!

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Julia, So happy for you! Hope you had a great day. It would be so wonderful for your husband to wake up to TTATT. Keep us posted.

    Just Lois

  • niomar1

    your husband and you .. you both will have more opportunities and now and in eternity if you stay close to God than if you despise Him and his provisions - always few exceptions can apear, we are not robots and we may lose meetings from time to time . -..I lost my work too because of the crisis in Europe and had to make a new start, and to immigrate in an other country in the other side of earth at my 47 years ...Brotherhood -jW- embraced us in the new country helped us to find work both me and my wife and we almost bought nothing for our new household - they gave us allot -, my kids also had alod support and i appreciate so much the nice and wise association they have from the congregation , and this even if i am disfelowshiped 2.5 years ..i pray every day to Jehovah to help me to be able to return in time...i was excessive reader all of my years -i was reading jw literature , i have read bible more than 14 times in 10 years and i liked to read psychology philosophy maths physics more than 1000 books , and i have been examining many religions studying their believes like Scientology , new age yoga thai chi chi quang, rebreathing , tantra yoga kundalini budhism zen 4th road , uniting church baptists Pentecostals Mormons Greek philosophy groups Theosophy and others . I still have my antennas open and i currently listening Francis Chan speeches in you tube . Even if i go in Sunday meetings only of jw i have big appreciation of the good work they do and the spiritual cultivation my family had all these years from their educational program plus the safe environment in wich my kids grew up . In their school and in our neighborhood all people make very good comments for their very good character and attitude -they are 16 and 14 - and i praise Jehova and his provisions for this and i am so greatfull to my wife too and her diligend loyal apreciation to spiritual things and her commitment to all spiritual provisions dispite the dificulties we had these last 3 years, with the loss of our work our immigration and my disfellowhship.

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