Really, one ought to call the cops in cases of sexual abuse? Who had any idea of such a thing?
53 years ago I was sexually abused by my father. When a family doctor discovered he had given me an STD he knew exactly what to do - report hoimo the police.
This doctor wasn't a genius. He had no special awareness about the issues of sexual abuse. No one was even talking about it back then. But he knew enough to know a crime had been committed against my 10-11 yr old body.
Sulla. designs and many others like myself could care less what brand of religion it is. If nothing else religion should be at the forefront in taking the lead in protecting those that Jesus said "Let them come to me". He also counseled his followers to care for the widows and orphans. He knew children needed speacial attention and their needs should not be ignored. Christ I suspect knew exactly what to do to those who hurt children. In fact the apoostles gave plenty of counsel that those taking the lead needed to be men above reproach.
Do I really need to go on?