Do you hold God accountable for the corruption of the borg? I've noticed there seems to be a bitterness, by some, that includes "God" in the equation, when discussing the borg and their policies, the governing body, elders actions, etc. Do the borg's transgressions originate with God, or does he feel the same disgust as we do? Just interested in your thoughts .
Do you blame Jehovah, Yahweh, God, Jesus, etc. for the corruption of the borg?
by Fading Begins 35 Replies latest jw friends
Personally I no longer believe in 'god' as defined by religions....if there exists a god at all.
I blame corrupt men at the top filtering down. It's all just men!
No I don't blame GOD. It's the corruption of men and their greed that are to be held accountable. Religion is a snare and a racket is how the BORG proclaimed years ago, what they don't understand is that they also are part of the snare and a racket concept. After all, who really is in control over the various religions of our time? SATAN
Yahweh is just looking on and taking it all in and eventually, maybe, hopefully if he exists will someday do something about it.
If an organisation is set up and run by corrupt men then how could the blame be put on any one else other than the corrupt men in control?
As punkofnice said, there are corrupt men at the top filtering down. It is how it always was, and always will be for as long as it can keep going.
God, Jesus, Satan, Santa Claus - you would have to believe in any of them before you could start blaming them. In my case, I don't.
Edited to say, maybe I am being a bit hard on CTR as I think he was pretty genuine even though he had some wacky ideas. It was JR that began all the corruption in my opinion.
No, the men who run the organization are evil and corrupt. God has nothing to do with it, other than the men in charge use Jehovah as a battering ram to keep the rank and file in line.
No I don't. No more than I blame him for all the other religions that have done same. Men are corruptable, in EVERY walk of life, after all isn't that part of the message. If HE has stepped back from mankind after sending Jesus and is letting mankinds course run along until the desired time, then these things are just part and parcel of sinful man and the machinations of the Devil, if a person believes.
I get what your saying about the sense of bitterness and agree. But I guess it is to be expected as humans hurt and it can take time to repair the hurt. Some people have suffered terribly. Like wise people have suffered terribly in their lives where Reigion has had no part. The RC Church was so powerful and I see the similarities. But is has lost it's power and the truth is out. The abuse, institutions, laundries, child slavery, etc. Terrible things.
The truth will out as they say. A believer can still believe in God etc without being tied to an organisation. But I think the power the borg has taken and used to control so many people is the abuse of mans spiritual needs and beliefs.
Has the TRUTH been hijacked. That's what some of us are trying to figure out and come to terms with and what next. Not easy as believer.
DONT CALL ME SHIRLEY - newbiee made a good comment. that if Ray Franz hadn't been disfellowshipped and was listened to. I can't wait to read his book.
Apparently the coup happened with Rutherford. I have much to learn. Which I am looking forward to.
Once believers become an organization, there's structure. Once there's structure, there's power and authority. Once there's power and authority in a human organization there's corruption. Christianity was set up to be a personal relationship between the believer and God thru Jesus as the one mediator with the help of holy spirit. It never was supposed to be an "organization" as such, God ended that arrangement with the Christ. Now he looks for individuals and evaluates individually. Each person has to take responsibility and action for themselves and each must possess faith for themself. Such faith is uniquely individual in nature while based on Gods Word and his son Jesus. That's the only necessary unifying factor. There's no need for a religious administration or organization. The only purpose served by such is to elevate oneself and to exert power and authority over its followers. Ray Franz expresses such in his book In Search of Christian Freedom. I take a similar position because it makes perfect sense for me, as I still accept the Bible as Gods Word and I still believe there is a God and I also believe in Jesus. To each his own in that regard.
The Watchtower organization was from its inception deeply corrupt. There never was a time when they taught truth, and many lies had to be told to cover up the misdeeds of Russell and then Rutherford and subsequently many in the controlling group of the WT.
Do I blame God for this ? don't be silly, it is evident God never had any interest in, or contact with the WT.
Aunt Fancy
No, I blame power hungry men. If you read the whole history about the WTS it was bad from the very beginning. Neither Russell or Rutherford would qualify to be elders according to the "rules" in place today.
This is just a hybrid religion man made of course, all religion is born out of superstitions that have caused most if not all of mankinds problems. Religion has kept us from progressing as we have been designed to (by creator/creators), and it will be many centuries before humans evolve completely away from it.
I have moved to Deism ( read some of Thomas Paine@ as I do believe in creation with the evolution of humans by design, although I spent 40 years teaching the borg fantasy I have no hatred for them as they are just doing what humans do to try to answer the imbeded quest we have for "why we are here" and is there something after death?
The answers we will all surely receive eventually.
Be Patient