Reading the other thread about answering at meetings gave me the cold shivers. There is a fundamental part of being a Witness that I've never understood, that just seems so at odds with the philosophy outlined by Jesus and the Apostles in the New Testament - why weren't we allowed to ASK QUESTIONS at the meetings? EVER? HMM???
Think about it. We were basically force-fed the information. It was a one way flow of information, straight into our gullible minds. Now that I think about it, it seems so stupid and obvious, but I guess back then I couldn't see the forest for the trees.
I had an 'experience' just before I left, at the bookstudy. The Brother assigned to reading the paragraph had just finished reading his little block of mind-control garbage, and the conductor had just asked the question. Dumb as I was, I stuck my hand up and asked why the book said something, I don't actually care to remember what it was. Everyone in the bookstudy's lower jaw hit the floor - a Brother who ASKED QUESTIONS DURING A MEETING! EGAD! THE HORROR!
But I absolutely felt that I had done nothing wrong. The Elder got very uncomfortable, and just said "We'll answer the question another time", and carried on with the study. After the study, another Elder grabbed me and counselled me about it, saying I shouldn't do that, that I would throw the conductor off.
BLAH! Were they worried I might make them THINK or something? So they would actually have to use their frontal lobes for a change?
This was one of the big factors that led to me leaving. Anyone else have any thoughts about this?
I'm sure glad we don't vote anymore like we did before we got the truth. Now we get to complain about everything ALL the politicians do!
[SYN], UADA - Unseen Apostate Directorate, Africa