That article about Jehovah's Witnesses having the lowest retention rate for born ins keeps popping up every now again ... I'm just curious if any of you have noticed that this is actually the case.
In the congregation that I grew up in, I'm going to say that 95% of the young people in their teens to mid twenties are either regular pioneering, regular auxiliary pioneering, serving in foreign language congregations or where the need is greater. Both of my younger sisters are regular pioneers - and the young people in their hall even organize 8 pm to midnight service on friday nights of their own accord. Even our friends our age that were always 'borderline', have suddenly gone all gung ho witness, especially those that now have kids. A friend of ours that I personally witnessed puking his guts out after a night of drinking just a few months ago recently bought a new house with a dedicated 'family worship' room.
The Governing Body seems to be doing a lot more to reach out to young people, with all the new animated features, bible character cards in the magazines etc.
Where do you think this trend will lead? Are we going to see the continuation of Jehovah's Witnesess for some time to come?