Just realized I hadn't posted my story here yet

by Newly Enlightened 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Lozhasleft

    Interesting story NE, sorry to hear about your health problems, and what you had to put up with at the KH. No room for much compassion in there, as ever!

    Loz x

  • LouBelle

    Just goes to show how brainwashed they are - to the point that even when you were physically ill they couldn't see it for what it was.

    So happy you and hubby made it out and are doing better.

  • zeb

    Thanks NE for your story.

  • hoser

    We will celebrate 34 yrs in Sept.

    congratulations btw

  • hoser

    Hubby was able to regular pioneer for 1.5 yrs. Was an MS for 7 yrs and you wouldn't believe some of the 'crap' we had to put up with. I had a good paying job and was working full time so that Hubby could regualr pioneer, do you think the elders would be happy that a BROTHER was able to work only part time and pioneer? NO! I shouldn't have been the main support for the family. Then they told him that it appeared that I had lost my joy so they wanted him to work and study with me more so I could get my 'appreciation' back. Um, I'm miserable because these men were making our lives HELL. They kept dangling the carrot in front of Hubby to become an elder, but Gojira & I needed to get our service time up.

    this sounds like my life. they appointed me a MS then about two months later said my wifes service time is too low and your qualifications are being called into question.

    I certainly don't miss that kind of pressure

  • 3dogs1husband


  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    Heya Newly Enlightened,

    I've just watched ALL of the video you posted, just wanted to say well done for maintaining your cool through that unfounded interrogation, and well done for having such a great family that made such a good defense for you!

    I was watching it thinking 'Just a year ago I would've been thinking this was justified', NOW I'm thinking how UTTERLY ridiculous it seems! Funny how we change eh? (or become normal).

    Really pleased you've got your family with you, it must be so much easier taking a stand side by side.

    Good work!

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