This is excellent thanks, in a positive way it sorts out a lot of confusion for me and is in line with what I have been meditating about for weeks now. That book is on my list... long list now... really growing ... think I'll be pushing up daisies before I read tehm all .... lol. In which case, it won't even matter anymore.
It could very well turn out to be that 'THE MESSAGE'' is TRUE ..... the organisation / shepherd that is sending it out to the honest hearted the 'sheep' the 'flocks' is false, corrupted. Just like what happened to the Jewish system .... and what Jesus warned/told us about. Wicked taskmaster putting the people into slavery for his own gain.
Which is what we have been understanding to be taught in the world as 'true christianty'. If that was prophesised about thousands of years ago - then as a prophecy it would/could come true. Just as the Bible says.
It is so clear now why many are questioning so many things about the org. Not the faith.