since the majority would be "left behind", i wonder. clearly the hard workers who neglected "spiritual things" to persue a career in the science field or just working with the hands will be of the many left. what would this world be like if all fundies just dissappeared. well first, many mindless breeders and eaters, waiting on divine intervention will disappear. the only survivors would be the people who have the skills to shut down nuclear plants and basically run the world. in the words of brad pitt from fight club...."we protect you while you sleep". we would be the unworthy to not deserve godly intervention. so how do you think this world function with nothing but skilled tradesmen and no religious fanatics?
if the rapture started now?
by fakesmile 37 Replies latest watchtower bible
It would be better. 'Course, there is still the muslim and jewish fanatics.
true s. but all of the devout would get their own religous equivilent of instant heaven. the durkas would get their 72 virgins. the morons would get their own planet... with multiple slaves/wives, the devout scientloigists could serve tom cruise or whatever for eternity, the devout bhuddists could listen to nirvana or whatever. which means the world would be left with only people who contributed to sociaty, gave up religion for a trade or career. why arent the producers and professionals not praying the hardest for "the calling home" of the useless people. maybe that is paradise for productive people. BTW, limited positions for housekeepers and window washers.
LoisLane looking for Superman
Oh, Rapture...I was a teenager, pioneering. I was sitting in on someone's Bible study. The Study started talking about "The Rapture". I was a born in. I had never heard that saying. I was embarrassed. I thought she was talking about sex.
Just Lois
lol, lois. you can stay.
There would be very few of us left - but I reckon it would be a hellofa lot better - almost paradise :)
Witness My Fury
I for one wish all the fundies would just bugger off... one way or another.
so what i took from this post is, it would be better if us believers where dead or gone one way or another, and we are mindless trash! lol wow i havent been on here much in the last few weeks, i have been going through alot and this reminds me of why sometimes its not to encouraging to comw here.
Witness My Fury
Persecution complex? Read it again with your hackles down....
>> ... this reminds me of why sometimes its not to encouraging to comw here.
You'll have last laugh ravens when your rapture 'comw' - so don't get too indignant.