I just recieved an email stating that the folks here won $8.00 over the weekend. So they're going to use the money to procure more tickets and I believe the jackpot is up to like $260 million or some other crazy figure. I never participate and I absolutely enjoy watching them waste their money on tickets with a smug haughtiness that only an active JW can muster. However, if they were to win.......I'd strongly consider stepping out in front of a bus after work.
How would you feel if your coworkers pooled in on Powerball lottery tickets and won, and you didn't participate?
by Theocratic Sedition 22 Replies latest jw friends
It would be better if you move to any of the following 6 states, Kansas, Maryland, Delaware, Michigan, North Dakota and Ohio, so you can be anonymous lottery winner. I am considering to move to any of those 6 states. I would not want people to hunt me down if I am in the public eye and beg me for money.
TS, Don't step in front of the bus, some lottery winners will be harrassed!
At least no one will be left at work to rub it in.
If I win the lottery, I will move to South Florida permanently.
zed is dead
I wouldn't worry about anonymity if I won. I would just change my name and move.
I would not change my name. I like my name.
Maybe I will participate in lottery anyway. PM me if you would like to win the lottery with me. We can pick the numbers together.
Sharing in lottery tickets was one of the first form my rebellion came. I didnt want to be left out. Our total wins--zero
A couple of "look on the bright side" thoughts. There are some studies showing that many lottery winners report they are less happy after winning. Also you will be first in line for a better job left behind by one of the winners.
If the office pool loses, but you want to have some fun with the boss; leave a note for him saying you won, thanking him for everything and come in about fifteen minutes after he gets there. This assumes your boss has a sense of humor.