With the internet becoming availible almost anywhere and iPads become more and more common, do you think this scenerio will be a relatively common experience as well?
I'm thinking it will.
by frankiespeakin 16 Replies latest jw experiences
With the internet becoming availible almost anywhere and iPads become more and more common, do you think this scenerio will be a relatively common experience as well?
I'm thinking it will.
As the old saying goes.....curiosity killed the cat.
More and more JW's will become curious of doing internet research about their religion. Many will wake up as a result. Watchtower bad, Internet good.
I think, for every one person who critically examines the nonsense they hear, that there will be ten others who use the internet to screw off and entertain themselves during boring meetings.
As the old saying goes.....curiosity killed the cat.
Or in this case, "Curiosity allowed the cat to see it was in a trap and allowed him to free himself without resorting to gnawing off its leg."
The WTS and the internet are now bed fellows, and allows the use of battery operated devices
Such pleasure might make Jehovah sad
As well as killing a few kittens
Wait, so no shoulder-surfing elders caught you? They don't have an IT department logging your keystrokes and site history? Well, they should! [Applause] They should! But we are not saying!
sd-7 nice freddie reference