There must be a way Paul. I should look into it.
wha happened, some of them died, and some of them left or became inactive.
by 88JM 25 Replies latest jw friends
There must be a way Paul. I should look into it.
wha happened, some of them died, and some of them left or became inactive.
So where did 22k go?
Some died.
Some were DF'ed.
Some just stopped - became inactive and/or faded.
Paul - if it was me, I would convert spreadsheets to XML (easy with Excel) and code webpages with something like:
With all respect, this might be a bit technical for most though. Just a suggestion - I'm sure there may be better ones.
Thanks 88JM and also Paul (jwfacts) - both ways of presenting the relevant date are highly useful in terms of following trends.
wha happened, some of them died, and some of them left or became inactive.
Another reason: Some of them stayed too long at McCafe during the morning's service and found that far more rewarding. I hear from a family source that some local witnesses wanted to first meet at McCafe before going out in service, but the elders frowned upon it but were okay about the group stopping mid-morning to drive to McCafe. Guess how long they spend at McCafe? Yes, much longer than it takes to savor a latte...MUCH LONGER. But at least this new breed of JWs has the common sense to look after themselves - I suspect this will be the next thing the elders "frown upon".
My JW grandparents would be spinning in their graves at the lapse in standards.
The data does seem to fit your theory!