There is no easy way out, people are willing to die over the teachings and shun their closest relatives and friends in order to show obedience...I guess it is a cult!
Let's Review: It's a cult!
by 00DAD 22 Replies latest jw friends
Ok 00dad , I'll bite on your thread.
"thecrushed" said "i have to hide my identity for fear of losing my family."
Thats identifies WBTS as a CULT . .................................PERIOD
Wrong!!!!! a cult has ONE leader ..they don't have One leader... so they can't be a cult..period
at least that is what they told me repeatedly.. when I was studing ... how can anyone argue with that stellar logic?
Dont tell anyone but ...yes they do resemble one...
Think About It
It most definately is a cult.
dazed but not confused
- Sadly true
I like Phizzy`s reasoning
Let's review: I'm a duck!
Hoping this was triggered by the desire to send out a general reminder, and not by another sad twist in your family story.
Let's review: Hope all is well with you Double 0 DAD.
Oh, this is all Satan trying to stop them from serving Jehovah!
*** w05 12/15 pp. 22-23 par. 14 Whom Do You Obey—God or Men? ***
14 In the years since the Nazis’ efforts, others have joined the losing battle against Jehovah and his people. In a number of countries in Europe, crafty religious and political elements have endeavored to brand Jehovah’s Witnesses a ‘dangerous sect,’ the same charge that was leveled against first-century Christians. (Acts 28:22) The fact is, the European Court of Human Rights has recognized Jehovah’s Witnesses as a religion, not a sect. Opposers must know that. Still, they persist in slandering the Witnesses. As a direct result of this mischaracterization, some of these Christians have been discharged from their employment. Witness children have been harassed in schools. Fearful landlords have canceled contracts for buildings that the Witnesses have long used as meeting places. In a few cases, government agencies have even denied citizenship to individuals solely on the grounds that they are Jehovah’s Witnesses! Still, the Witnesses are undeterred