shunning wrecks families

by bigmac 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigmac

    thread started to avoid going off topic elsewhere.

    this matter of shunning---my story.

    i made the decision to resign from the jw religion in my early twenties--i'm 65 now. i knew i would never deny any of mine a blood transfusion--just to appease this religion --and its deity.

    my jw wife had just had our first child--a girl---and we went on over the next 7 years to have 2 more planned for kids---both boys. i like to think i was a good dad--they meant everything to me.

    i hold up my hand and admit i caused the break up of that marriage---my wife stayed in the religion--and--apparently it was announced in the KH i couldnt be d/f'd---as i hadnt been a jw for years---so they said i was an apostate.

    fast forward a few years--into the mid 80's---i had remarried--and led a relatively normal life. As my kids entered their early teens--they took the decision to shun me. i tried all roads to try to get over this--legal advice--talking to social workers--school teachers--family doctor--friends. all to no avail. remember--this was years before the internet--no--helpful support sites like this.

    so--by my late 30's i had lost all contact with my kids--they each got married--i was never invited to their weddings. they had children---i still have only met 2 of them--once. i dont even know all their names. SIX of them live just 8 miles away from me.

    my older son--now 36--left the religion in recent years--his marriage had failed--he got disfellowshipped. he now has regular contact with me--and is getting married again later this year. ive been invited to the wedding! (it was his 2 kids i met )

    but now--he has not seen his 2 for a year now--shunning strikes again. he has spent £ thousands on legal costs trying to keep some kind of contact--now all to no avail. sadly--a case of history repeating itself.

    in my opinion--this religion--this cult---serves no useful purpose. it survives--in the western world anyway---through this fear tactic of shunning.

    the watchtower is directly responsible for wrecking my family.

  • cantleave

    Hey Malc, your situation sucks big time. It really pisses me off when the Watchtower says it doesn't endorse / practice shunning. Bastards!

  • cobaltcupcake

    Gosh, what a sad story! All for a stupid cult! I have had no contact with my family either since I left 9 years ago. I have to check the SSI death records to see if my 83-year-old mother is still alive.

  • punkofnice

    I feel for ya Mac (but not with my hands).

    My wife left me and broke the family up not long after I got DA'd for 'apostacy(TM)'.

    Life is now hell as I'm trying to keep it all together and failing miserably.

    May the GB go to the electric chair!!!

  • LouBelle

    Shunning breaks families! - I haven't had any interaction with my grandmother, aunt, uncle and 5 cousins for years now. I no longer miss them, I no longer worry about them - I focus on my little family that I do still have around me. I am very fortunate my dad never took to the faith and when I started questioning my mother listen and we were both disfellowshipped for apostacy (tm) My brother was never introduced to the faith and lived with my dad growing up - so he doesn't understand the anger that wells up now and again.

    I can thank fully say that I have helped 2 people not progress with their study - the met up with me, we had an open honest discussion and they have decided to no longer carry on with that faith.

  • happy@last

    Your stories make me want to scream out my lungs in anger, it is disgusting what this cult does. Thinking of you all, try to find one thing today that makes you smile.

  • Mum

    The real victims in this story are your grandchildren who do not even get to choose whether they see their grandfather or not. That is child abuse, plain and simple.

    My grandparents meant the world to me, so I feel such sorrow for your grandchildren - and for you.

  • Lozhasleft

    Sorry to hear this sad history Big Mac. So many of us are affected by this terrible cult that damages families.

    Loz x

  • clarity

    The audacity to mess with other peoples family.

    It is none of their business!


    Makes me want to take a wrecking ball to their bethhells!


    When it comes to it ...I will fight tooth & nail!

  • jam

    I was told by my JW famlies, I was the one who wreck

    the family. If I would only come back, we can all come

    togather as one family (non-JW,s and JW,s). Silly me, so

    that,s all it take. You dumb sh--t, it,s been over 25years

    since I left, get over it.

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