Sorry bout the fresno jokes. Yes, i've gone to the fresno city web site, mostly looking for jobs tho. I just graduated from CSU Fresno with a Computer Science degree and was looking for any computer related job here in fresno. Not too many to come across. I did apply for a fresno city job, a programmer position but they didn't want me I landed a little programming job but still not really happy with it. But I guess this isn't a job finding forum. I apologize if I offend Mr. Autry, Fresno, ect. Anyhoots, I might take you up on that lunch offer some day
Fresno/Clovis CA area?
by lv4fer 14 Replies latest jw experiences
To all those who are familure with the mountain areas just above fresno.
There is a small town located near there called Dunlap. Hear of it?
If so then you must know of the annual "Turkey Testical Festival"
They actually have a compitition for the Biggest Turkey Gonads!
They have other various activities involving turkey nuts and what ever. Then they roast them, and pig out?
Can anyone back this up?
plmkrzyNo matter how thin you slice it there are always two sides
Send me an email. I may be able to help you with that job thing.
GO south on 99 about a 3 hour drive and walla you will hit COwtown aka Bakersfield, Calif. yep we are here hard--core apostates US >>> JWs FOUND talking to the likes of US will be in deep doo doo !!!
I know Dunlap. I have climbed there before, I think.
I will try to confirm the Turkey Testicle Festival thingy, ok?
bttt for truthseeker...