If you ever heard someone say 'what a tool' but weren't sure what that meant, well now you can know for certain
by cptkirk 13 Replies latest social entertainment
dazed but not confused
That was well deserved.
I hear that all the time about me... you mean it's not a complement?
what a tool??
tool spelled backwards is loot , just realized that....coded messages abound
Lesson for all of you people out there. Don't be a dick.
you're right, it is a good lesson in a few ways. if the performer hit him any harder, it would have thrown the lesson out the window. the performer did miss a better opportunity though, which showed that he did let his anger get the better of him to an extent. the reason i say this is because he had a clear shot at the solar plexus. if he would have hit him there, it would have followed in the spirit of the dipshit's antics, causing his legs to buckle, without the possibility of blood on the face, and this would have been preferable.
Bragging Tater?
Wow Tater-T,
I see you in a whole........." New Light "
He worked it into his act. Kinda cool.
freeze is right. that dude is a dick, not a tool. where im from a tool is like "that guy" the dude who shows up at the party loud and acting tough trying to impress the females who are obviously disgusted by him. you dont give a street performer a wet willie. what a dick.