Tips for my Job interview today

by whathehadas 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • whathehadas

    I got a interview for today a few days ago. The interview is for Orkin, a pest control company. I haven't had a interview in a while and hopefully I don't get nervous. I know the last time I got interviewed for a position like this. I was hounded with a WHOLE lot of questions. Felt like a interrogation. I know the obvious tips for a interview. What would you suggest?

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Answer ALL questions thru the medium of mime.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Sorry couldn't resist...

    You know the usual 10 or so questions that you must have an instant and useful answer to:

    What will you bring to this role?

    Why do you want to work for us?

    What are your weaknesses?

    etc etc.

    Then there's the example questions:

    Give an example of where you resolved XYZ?

    Google for more:

    good luck...

  • Splash

    Also be prepared for "why should we employ you as opposed to somebody else?"

    Before you go into the interview learn a bit about the company.

    Put yourself in their position and ask yourself what is it they are looking for in an employee, then become those things.


  • Emery

    Dress nicely and always maintain eye contact. Go online and search common interview questions. Prepare yourself for the kind of questions you may be asked and how you would respond.

  • Splash

    Be sure to tell them you're a JW and that you will use every opportunity to preach to your managers, colleagues and the customers.

    This will make Jehovah happy so you are bound to get the job.


  • LostInTranslation

    Work places tend to use "psychological based" interview questions these days.

    Be prepared for questions like "give an example of when you deal with a difficult client, how you handled it and what the outcome was"

    or " explain a time that you couldn't complete a task given to you by your manager, how did you resolve the situation and how did it make you feel?"

    Smile, be friendly, if possible infuse a sense of appropriate humour into the interview. It shows a sense of confidence.

    Best of luck!

  • moshe

    I guess they want to find out , if you are a born killer- I doubt they hire many followers of Budda.

  • whathehadas

    Great tips

    @Witness My Fury That's a pretty extensive questionnaire. I've been thinking of ways to answer them. The one question I hate, What are your weaknesses? It's kind of a catch 22 depending on how you answer it.

    @Splash I have done my research. I'm sure that if I told them I was a JW and preaching at the work would be one of my main objectives......that would be the end of that interview LOL. I don't know whether to tell about being a JW as my biggest mistake or disappointment in life

    @LostinTranslation I'm getting ready for my mind to be probed. Explaining how I dealt with challenges shouldn't be hard for me. I'll be sure to relax and smile

    @moeshe A natural born killer I am not LOL. I would like to be known as a WT killer though. Would be great if that gave me points from the interviewer

  • talesin

    I watched a TV show about Orkin a couple of weeks ago.

    They are BIG on customer satisfaction, as people are often quite traumatized (ie freaking out) when they need pest control. Being a people person is an important factor for them.

    Good luck!




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