Hi Terry,
Excellent. The clue is, when folks say, they like this Society because they don't take no mess...if you are not doing the right thing...the society doesn't play around they will disfellowship folks....So far that has been my clue to who they really are...When someone is DF'd, they will say, well it's in the bible. I have heard that so many times. I pay attention to that person's character, which shows, they are unforgiving, but if it would happen to them, they would not feel the same. It's like they want the person to get disciplined...
Then you have folks like me, who say, wow, it's sad when someone get's DF'd...I want to talk to them, help them or at least listen to them...
Again, great 31 things...guess what....if a witness & I'm one would read it...it would go right over their heads...they feel safe. As you say, they have given up all their friends & family, so they just sit there...I have kept my friends & when we all don't respect what we do, then & only then is it time to change..I'm up in age, & so if my friends were bad association, they would've kept me from coming into the witnesses, so they can't pull me out..Only I can do that...I pray to God everyday ( or I try to, at least), if this is not the right place, GET ME OUT GOD, just don't make it hurt.