Here We sit...

by Sayswho 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JakeM2012

    Sorry about your Mom, at least she didn't break her hip.

    You just need to go out in the service and make sure you make all the meetings, and you will be happy. LOL. With your changing circumstances, "Have you thought about putting your pioneer application in." It's just a few hours a day!

  • mouthy

    Sorry she fell & ruined your night... I feel for HER! being old isnt fun,let me tell you.I know!!!!
    Dont hold it against her, you can always drink your scotch when you get home....

  • Sayswho

    JakeM2012---They will most likely reject my app for pioneering because I show too much compassion to non JWs. Or for that matter anyone. But thanks.

    It turns out she face planted into the floor and broke/crushed the bone by eye and cheek. Got home at 4:02 up at 8:00. She did not have to stay in we just need to keep an eye on her. (No pun intended)

    Mouthy: Thanks.

    You are right we can't stop getting old. She's 82 not sure how long she will live at this rate. Not much of a life for her now, and its been this way on and off for about 4 years. Was not mentally prepared for this...ohwell here we come, I'll be there someday but its not today:)


  • Sayswho

    Hortensia: thanks. Yep we never know what tomorrow (today) will bring. We'll have to wait and see.


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