Well... I got my 'invite'

by Jim_TX 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jim_TX

    As most know, it's that time of the year when the JWs go out 'in force' and bang on doors trying to leave their litter-ature for the memorial - aka 'memorial invite'.

    This morning (Saturday), I was at the local coffee shop - which is normal for me. My wife was at home chilling on the sofa, in her nightie.

    I got a text message around 9:30-ish saying that JWs had been at our house.

    When I got home, my wife said she was sitting on the sofa when she heard a light 'tap tap' on the door. We have a doorbell. She peeked through the blinds and saw a middle-aged man and a woman at the door, and a couple of women standing just off of the porch. My wife wasn't dressed, so she didn't answer the door.

    When I got home, I found their brochure stuck in the door.

    Interesting thing is... they are holding their meeting at the Doubletree by Hilton on the north side of the city. I have never heard of them doing that before, but I suppose anything is possible (They have a large Assembly Hall that holds up to 3000 if I recall correctly). I am surmising that the reason that they are doing that is that there is not enough room in the local KH to hold more than one session - which starts at 7:30pm according to the piece of paper.

    I told my wife that she should've opened the door - even though she was protesting that she wasn't dressed. I told her that the fella would've probably stammered and stuttered a lot while the woman next to him would've been trying to get them both away from the door ASAP.

    I found it odd that the other pair were just standing on the sidewalk, just off of the porch - but told my wife that they were trying to cover the park as slow as they could so that they could count more time.

    Oh - and we live in a mobile home park where they aren't supposed to come in and bang on doors.

    The other thing that was kinda funny was that my wife said that the knock was very light.

    She also said that she watched them as they went on their way, and they didn't go next door where the people have dogs on the porch, or across the street where they have a dog chained up in the yard. The dogs were going nuts!

    So... I've now officially gotten my 'invite'.

    Ain't gonna go though. Nope. Not gonna do it.


    Jim TX

  • Thor

    We got ours left on our front porch yesterday. Even though anyone in our old hall who knew us would have known when we would be home or not. We put it in our recycling bin.

  • label licker
    label licker

    I got mine in the mail with a lovely card and a bunch of signatures on the outside of the envelope. When I ran into one of the ones who signed the envelope, I thanked her for the card and she said what card. That was in the same week the card was sent. OUCH!!!!!!!

  • HappyDad

    My invite was sticking in the door the other day.


  • finally awake
    finally awake

    Still no invite for the dirty apostates at our house!

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Yesterday, a van pulled up at the end of my long driveway. My daughter yelled out, pretend you're not home! So of course, I stretched my body to look out the window, at the exact time the Elder that I have known for over 20 years, is looking into my window. lol So, I decide to answer. It was good, to see him. Because he only knew me as active and kind and helpful, in every way I could be, he was not prepared for the crying mess that came to the door. He and all his relatives, are the family, I want to help get out of the Borg. So many thoughts went through my head. I cried for joy to see him. I cried for the fact he and his family are all in, and I can't get them out! I cried because I know of the decades of sacrifices all of his family have done, only to enrich, an already rich publishing company. I cried because I am lonely, and I could feel the pull back.

    Just Lois

  • nonjwspouse

    Interestingly for the first time in many years, this Saturday morning we got a knock at the door with the forced smiles of the two JWs holding the invitation. What was of interest to me was my now studying to be a JW husband's reaction when he heard the doorbelll while in his underware at the kitchen table as he said, " Oh lord, now who could THAT be?". In a ighly irritated and upset voice. I was dressed so I answerd the door with a quick and quiet with a No, no , no ( as they tend to keep talking) and pease put us on your do not call ist". If my husband had not been home how I would have loved to make a few comments to plant seeds. When my husband asked who it was I was silent for a few seconds just looking at him. His face was blank. I said it was someone with an invitation. It took a full minute for it to sink in and suddenly his demeanor changed and said " Oh" in a pleased voice.he then went to the wiindow to look out at who was walking around. I left the room and took a shower.

    After about an hour I mentioned how very interesting it was at how negatively he reacted to an intrusive doorbell ring on a Ssaturday morning. I left it at that.

  • wasblind

    Ha Ha Finally awake

    I got mine !!!!!! I got my InnnnnnVite . I got my InnnnnnVite

    You didn't get one , cuz you been nauuuuughty

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    You are right, Wasblind, I've been verrrry naughty LOL

  • lriddle80

    I got a light tap tap on the door also. As I don't have a peephole on my door, I figured it was a murderer since they didn't use my doorbell. I opened the door cautiously and saw a middle aged guy and he gave me my invitation. I just said thanks and he smiled and left, didn't offer any other info! It was kind of weird, actually!

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