The World is going to end...

by The Quiet One 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • sprintcmp

    "I'm always alone, but never lonely :) I'm basically a cat in human form."

    OOOH MY GOD....I have never seen a more fitting description...of myself!!!

    Hilarious.....hope you don't mind if I used that one

  • Apognophos

    You and I have this in common

    Indeed, I can see from your avatar, WMF! ^_^ I think Amelia Ashton might be the same as us, from comments I've seen her make.

    Do you care to expound on what you mean?

    Well, first off, I don't have anything against people -- it can be enjoyable to have company -- but I just don't feel any need to reach out to others. I always have something to do or think about, so I've never been lonely or bored for a minute. I'm honestly not entirely sure what those words mean! It's like someone saying that they feel purple; you know what purple looks like, but what is purple like as a feeling? :-) I've heard that a small number of people are just born this way, but I haven't found a textual reference to back me up on this.

  • Apognophos

    Ha, sprintcmp, we have kindred avatars as well as spirits! This is turning into an assembly of people-cats.

  • lriddle80

    I would probably go visit all my family and write posts to all my friends on facebook. Oh, I'd probably go out to eat somewhere and eat a bunch of different kinds of my favorite foods and eat lots of chocolate drink lots of espresso. I would probably stay up late hanging out with my husband and us crying together. Then when I couldn't stay up any longer, just pray myself to sleep. At least I'd die in my sleep (I'm assuming?).

  • Bobcat

    The Quiet One:

    Have you ever watched the movie "Melancholia"?

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    I'm glad that all you cat-people are coming together, maybe this thread wasn't a total waste of time. Bobcat, thanks but I don't think that watching such a depressing film (from what I've read) would help me at the moment. The point of the thread was to try to get people to think about what's important, not to wallow in feelings of depression and 'life is pointless'.. What do any of you think about this quote from a review of Melancholia? " The world, Justine declares in her darkest moment of clarity, deserves its awful fate. The perverse achievement of Melancholia is how difficult it is to argue with her conclusion. "

  • LouBelle

    I want to spend it with people I love and care for - and my animals. KurtBethel would have to be there too. I would like to have one more day with him before I died.

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    Thanks for sharing that. Is there anything that anyone would like to say to their family/friends/boss etc on their last day.. that they would probably never say otherwise?

  • kurtbethel

    I would perhaps forgive people for unthinking stuff, and would like to be forgiven likewise. There would be no point in dispensing advice for the future, so I would get busy immersing with the now, preferably in Africa with LouBelle, enjoying the bush and beach up until the very end.

  • Vidiot

    "If today was your last day, and tomorrow was too late, could you say goodbye to yesterday?
    Would you live each moment like your last? Leave old pictures in the past? Donate every dime you have?
    Would you call old friends you never see, and reminisce old memories? Would you forgive your enemies?
    Would you find that one you're dreamin' of, swear up and down to God above that you finally fall in love?"

    Chad Kroeger... smart man.

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