But guess what? You'd think XJWs left because they want answers. But they often are the other side of the same coin. For instance, the Memorial is coming up and JWs and XJWs still don't realize that passover is eaten on the 1st day of UFC and thus Jesus was arrested on a sabbath day and could not have died that same day. He could have only died on the 20th.
Recently I went to church with my cousin who is a minister in the church, someone thus claiming to know the Bible. When I brought up the "three nights" that he thought Christ was in the grave, he didn't want to discuss it. It was too technical and intellectual. It was thus clear many people have an emotional connection to their religion, they focus on where the emotions are but know little of the historical side of the Bible, but also DON'T WANT TO KNOW! Anything that makes them think and feel insecure, they just run from that.
So it seems hopeless for all but a few who will actually change their belief system or who care about the TRUTH.