If you tried to get your doctrinal or historical questions answered by an elder in your cong...

by NeverKnew 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Larsinger58

    But guess what? You'd think XJWs left because they want answers. But they often are the other side of the same coin. For instance, the Memorial is coming up and JWs and XJWs still don't realize that passover is eaten on the 1st day of UFC and thus Jesus was arrested on a sabbath day and could not have died that same day. He could have only died on the 20th.

    Recently I went to church with my cousin who is a minister in the church, someone thus claiming to know the Bible. When I brought up the "three nights" that he thought Christ was in the grave, he didn't want to discuss it. It was too technical and intellectual. It was thus clear many people have an emotional connection to their religion, they focus on where the emotions are but know little of the historical side of the Bible, but also DON'T WANT TO KNOW! Anything that makes them think and feel insecure, they just run from that.

    So it seems hopeless for all but a few who will actually change their belief system or who care about the TRUTH.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Most likely the only answer you will get is "wait on Jehovah".

  • NeverKnew

    Need more experiences.

    Also, how many of you would advise cancelling scheduled appointments?

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    Do you want to get DF'ed? If you don't, cancell your appointment.

  • Londo111

    Neverknew can't be DF'ed.

  • NeverKnew

    Not a jw. I have a jws eyelid open. They are hoping an elder can answer the questions I've posed. Im trying to stop them!

    About 6 different major topics!

    Once i get enough responses, I will force them to this thread.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    OK, I see...I hope you understand that raising difficult questions can cause severe problems for them. They will probably be asked if they read apostate material, or if they have contacts with apostates.

    If they would pose these questions to an elder they most probably will not get detailed facts.

  • Emery

    You can ask a few questions here and there. However, you will be told to stop thinking and wait on Jehovah...and at the end you will get asked the loyalty questions, they are the only ones that matter. Your get out of jail free card is to say "Yes I believe in the faithful and discreet slave." or "I believe this is Jehovah's spirit directed organization."

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    When the Elders finally came by for a 'visit' after four yrs of not attending the meetings I asked several questions . One question was about the change in what parts of blood were now acceptable ...the Elder laughed it off and said he would bring me more information because the Watchtower clearly explained everything . After several other questions ,well rather statements ,he just told me it was easy if I no longer wanted to be a JW all I had to do was write a letter stating that .

    They were not interested in answering questions they were interested in getting me back in line ,period . Elders have their own agenda when they visit you ,and it does not include understanding your questions or problems .

    If your friend wants to ask questions of the Elders and not set off alarms they may frame it as 'questions a worldly friend has brought to their attention and they need help answering them' .

    However it will still put this person on the Elders radar . They will do anything now to snatch this person from the fire so to speak . Warning what kind of associates are they keeping, and the like . Your friend will have to present the questions carefully ,remaining humble and meek ,willing to take the Elders advice .

  • garyneal

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