BOOK: Jehovah himself has become king - Robert king
by *lost* 37 Replies latest watchtower bible
marked for the videos
Instead of reading this book, I'd heartily recommend reading The Bible As It Was by James Kugel.
Kugel examines the history of Biblical interpretation, including dear Robert's personal fetish of viewing it as a fundamentally cryptic document that somehow applies to him and the time in which he lives.
Nathan Natas
WHEN eWATCHMAN (or iSaiah, if you're into Apple products) first came out with his book,many of us here shared a deep and hearty manly laugh about how the title should have been "(Robert) King Himself Has Become Jehovah". The guy seems to have no self-esteem issues - he started his own fanclub, then disfellowshipped almost all the members.
To those of us who have been around for awhile, Robert King is a certifiable crackpot. We don't need to repeat the stank test every time he utters something.
RK was on this board many years ago as 'youknow'. With a little research you'll find his rhetoric has changed very little over the years... that happens when you begin with a false premise and stick with it. And he's still waiting for that 'October surprise'... classic.
wha happened?
yea I remember getting kicked off his board because I said something negative about the dubs. He took a hard stand against anyone who spoke against the dubs and threw them off his site. I think about 3/4 either left or were thrown off. He has a small group of hardcore followers that sit at the side of his table looking for spiritual crumbs
lol, ah, the wisdom of the elders, vital.
I was told when I got it ( lmao now, I was oooh so excited ) it was a pile of poo basically.
and yep, oh wise ones, it was.