What if you were DF'd for apostacy, but instead of the expected...

by respectful_observer 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • respectful_observer

    This is a hypothethical, so I'm not looking for whether you would ever do this, or "why would you want to subject yourself to this...", but rather, what would happen if some DID do this....


    You're half of a married JW couple, and you admit to doubts about certain WTS teachings and it leads to an eventual disfellowshipping. But instead of walking away from the Kingdom Hall forever, you stay put. You faithfully go to every meeting with your spouse. You attend every CAD, SAD and DC. You underline your WT, you sing the songs. You don't roll your eyes, or huff and puff at crazy stuff said from the platform or read from the publications. You act like nothing's changed accept that no one is able to talk to you. When the meeting ends, you don't skulk off into the parking lot to wait in the car-- instead you sit quietly in your chair and read your Bible until your spouse is done associating. You make no efforts at reinstatement because your beliefs haven't changed.

    You would be a living, breathing example of everything the WTS says apostates aren't. You don't act angry or bitter, you don't picket outside, you don't try to convince others of your beliefs. At every single meeting you sit there as a reminder to your spouse, the elders and every single person in the Kingdom Hall that the only reason you are being treated this way is because there was a certain doctrine you did not believe in your heart.

    Your spouse would see that you haven't changed or become some evil "mentally diseased" person. Those who are shunning you will see (and hear from your spouse) that you haven't turned into some venom spewing apostate demon. Call it civil disobediance, J-dub style...

    What would the long-term effect be on your spouse, on the elders, on every single person in the congregation?

    I'm curious to hear everyone's thoughts...

  • app-sun01

    Hi I am new to the site

  • pixel

    Maybe the elders will see that person as "strange" and just pretend he does not exits.

  • pixel

    Welcome app.

  • Phizzy

    What would be the long term effect upon the poor sap who knew the WT was a complete scam, not even a real religion,

    and yet had to sit there soaking it all up ?

    I suggest that, "that way madness lies".

    If you are ever DF'd for apotasy, give 'em the finger and walk away.

    It really doesn't matter to the Elders what you do, think or feel. if you go through the hoops and crawl back "repentant" they will have you back, aren't you lucky ? if you sit there like a good boy for the next decade but don't crawl and creep and say you believe all the baloney, they would just leave you sitting, as though you were not there.

    You are still a "mentally diseased apostate" in their view, until you say you believe. You can fake belief if you really want, they don't care about that either, a huge percentage of the "flock" are doing that anyway.


    You will be really bored at the meetings, but you could skip service!! For this hypothetical situation you would have to inform all your friends and family why you were being DF'd, because they won't say why from the stage. No one would know. If you never came back they would probably assume that it was for apostasy. Plus, we all know the Elders do not keep anything confidential. You would have to let all your friends know that the charges were false, and then endure years of humiliating treatment.

    At the end of the day what you really accomplish? You could get your spouse out, maybe.. You will never get a pardon, even if the WTBTS adopts the very view that you were df'd for. Interesting theory.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    that just sounds like torcher to me

  • Joshinaz

    Interesting. It sounds like the "conscience class" minus the disfellowshiping.

  • man oh man
    man oh man

    I think this would be a great protest to help others wake up. But one person or a couple will not work. If thousands would do this then this might make others think. What if every week at the washtowel study there where more of these silent witnesses than faithful witlesses?

  • Emery

    I had the same situation playing around in my head for some time. I think this would have to last a long time before anyone would be bothered or curious enough regarding your stance. Your time and patience would be better spent elsewhere rather than trying to convince members of an apocalyptic cult that you're a good person.

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