In his stern consternation about displaying Watchtower "Art"
on the Internet, Mr. Gee Wiz grouses about copyright violation
instead of what is IN the "Art", the content of the illustrations.
He charges us in this thread:
Master Member
United States of America
Posts: 312
Re: GUARANTEED to bring Smiles to the Faces of ... Apr 1, 2002
...with THEFT of Watchtower "intellectual" property!
AS IF there was "property" of an INTELLECTUAL nature possessed by the WT!
Now THAT's a good one!
Hey Mr. Gee Wiz!... I saw when you wrote that. On Apr 1, 2002 -
heeeee, YOUR idea of an April Fool's Joke, rite??
- Watchtower / Intellectual -
Hoooo-hhooooo-hehheeheeeee-hhheeeeeeee-hhaahahahahah ahhhhhh
either that was your Yoke for the Year,
or you gots a Bad Kase of Kult Kat Skratch Fever!
To Flagrantly RIP-OFF,
and STEAL a company's longtime motto
and intellectual property...
Of course, Mr. Gee Wiz quotes a portion of our webpage
where we give a clear example of the Watchtower
ABSCONDING with a Company's Intellectual Property...
and USING it... and CLAIMING it as their own.
Mr. Gee Wiz goes on to accuse us:
So when you publish the WTB&TS pictures online
without their expressed permission,
aren't you [f]lagrantly RIP[PING]-OFF...[their] intellectual property..."?
Uhhh, no.
Simple enough for your lobes to wrap around?
I'm just a reporter, a journalist of sorts, getting the "story" out.
I'm making Fair Use of Watchtower Propaganda to alert the citizens.
I certainly don't CLAIM their "Art" as my own.
I don't profit from it, except deriving Immense Satisfaction that
I am helping to Expose their 'Snare & A Racket'.
I don't sign my name under their pictures.
I MAKE SURE in EVERY one of my webpages to give the Watchtowerkult Kredit
for their Death & Destruction Fantasy "Art"... and give the co-ordinates
for the reader/viewer to look the illustrations up in the original
Watchtower documents.
I WANT them to.
I don't identify in ANY way with this "intellectual" property
I am supposedly "flagrantly" "ripping-off"...
Let me stop right here in mid - sentence just to say, Mr. Gee Wiz
that you are DANGEROUSLY stOOpid! Has anyone ever had a service talk
with you about the Magnitude of your stOOpidity?
Are you a Generational Kultist?
A result of decades of "spiritual" Inbreeding?
I've seen it happen before to certain ones, and it is NOT a pretty picture.
Just because they are an organization you detest,Just because I am a person you evidently detest,
and why? because I do my level best to expose the Wickedness,
the Corruption, the despicable EVIL
of the Watchtowercult, which it seems you can't help but "take up for"...
What is it with you dudes? You come here and to other forums and try
to deflect negative attention away from the Watchtower, to shield them
from receiving the full brunt of publicity over their High Crimes...
yet you guys are NEVER bona fide jehovah's Witnesses - only sympathizers,
relatives of jWs, friends of, once studied with, worked with a jW,
just passing through (like "little_lamb_on_a_hill" last week, who just
was innocently surfing the Net, and "stumbled" across this newsgroup...
and just couldn't believe the heat that the Watchtower Society was taking...)
But NEVER a REEL jehovah Witness come here to stick up for and attempt
to defend the Kult. Never. Not here. Not out yonder on other parts of the Net.
their material is still copyrighted, and bound by copyright laws.
And THAT'S the best gripe you gots?
What about "CONTENT" of the illustrations, that as a "journalist",
a "reporter", I've been "hanging" in a "Gallery".
Does THAT disturb you at all?
Haven't heard you make a peep about the content of the images.
You're upset about supposed "copyright violations"...
Hey, I would NEVER use a Watchtower image that they have pirated,
and believe you me, they have stolen a BUNCH of art from Worldly Publications,
and retooled them for their own print propaganda.
I make reasonably sure that the images I "hang" are truly WT-kreated.
But, as far as "fair use" copyright laws... why, we have the Watchtower
itself to partially thank for that... what, with all those "Freedom of"
cases they had tried before the Supreme Court in the 1930s and 40s,
making sure that we ALL had 1st Amendment Protections of Free Speech.
I'm just implementing and making use of the "freedoms" the Watchtowerkult
helped win for me and others. (((heeeeeee!)))
Even though it is evident that the pictures you post
are from the WTB&TS and you do give them credit.
Did you get their permission first? I don't think so.
I tell ya what, hotshit, since you gots a "brother-in-law" at Bethel,
why don't you report me to him, and then he can "turn me in" to
the Theocratic Authorities and the Watchtower Suits can come after me
and take me to court, and then, then they can sue me for "breach of copyrite"
and then all that's said in court will go on 'The Public Record'
and THEN we can make sure the Visibility of those Watchtower Works of "Art"
So it's OK for you to rip off "intellectual" property, but not them? Hypocrite!
See comments above, stOOp.
I have my big differences with the WTB&TS
OH?!? ... I haven't noticed.
"BIG" differences you say?
Pray tell, can you repeat one for me?
Keep on smilin' Tallyman,
I'm not smilin', Gee Wiz.
Here are your brothers and sisters doing all the schick SMILIN':
pretty soon you might have that banana sticking out of your ass.
Are you threatening me with physical Violence, Mr. Gee Wiz?
That, or you're trying to 'turn on' certain bonobos who frequent this joint.
Hey, why don't you send me an email to my OPEN email box with that same threat,
Mr. Gee Wizzy? Oh! I see, you've a "private" PadLocked Mailbox, huh?
Why is that, Khickenshit?
Better to keep your mouth shut...
I know you and your Kult would like to shut me up,
like "the_stumbling_lamb_on_a_hill" said last week,
with the standard:
"why can't you former jWs just leave quietly if you have issues with the WT??"
You or your Favorite Kult ain't gonna shut me up, Mr. Gee Wiz.
LOve, Tallyman
p.s. Anyone else all rankled about possible copyright violations like Wizzy?