Gee Wiz Complains of Copyright instead of Content

by Tallyman 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tallyman

    In his stern consternation about displaying Watchtower "Art"
    on the Internet, Mr. Gee Wiz grouses about copyright violation
    instead of what is IN the "Art", the content of the illustrations.

    He charges us in this thread:


    Master Member
    United States of America
    Posts: 312
    Re: GUARANTEED to bring Smiles to the Faces of ... Apr 1, 2002

    ...with THEFT of Watchtower "intellectual" property!


    AS IF there was "property" of an INTELLECTUAL nature possessed by the WT!

    Now THAT's a good one!

    Hey Mr. Gee Wiz!... I saw when you wrote that. On Apr 1, 2002 -
    heeeee, YOUR idea of an April Fool's Joke, rite??

    - Watchtower / Intellectual -

    Hoooo-hhooooo-hehheeheeeee-hhheeeeeeee-hhaahahahahah ahhhhhh
    either that was your Yoke for the Year,
    or you gots a Bad Kase of Kult Kat Skratch Fever!



    To Flagrantly RIP-OFF,
    and STEAL a company's longtime motto
    and intellectual property...

    Of course, Mr. Gee Wiz quotes a portion of our webpage
    where we give a clear example of the Watchtower
    ABSCONDING with a Company's Intellectual Property...
    and USING it... and CLAIMING it as their own.

    Mr. Gee Wiz goes on to accuse us:

    So when you publish the WTB&TS pictures online
    without their expressed permission,
    aren't you [f]lagrantly RIP[PING]-OFF...[their] intellectual property..."?

    Uhhh, no.

    Simple enough for your lobes to wrap around?

    I'm just a reporter, a journalist of sorts, getting the "story" out.
    I'm making Fair Use of Watchtower Propaganda to alert the citizens.
    I certainly don't CLAIM their "Art" as my own.
    I don't profit from it, except deriving Immense Satisfaction that
    I am helping to Expose their 'Snare & A Racket'.
    I don't sign my name under their pictures.
    I MAKE SURE in EVERY one of my webpages to give the Watchtowerkult Kredit
    for their Death & Destruction Fantasy "Art"... and give the co-ordinates
    for the reader/viewer to look the illustrations up in the original
    Watchtower documents.
    I WANT them to.

    I don't identify in ANY way with this "intellectual" property
    I am supposedly "flagrantly" "ripping-off"...

    Let me stop right here in mid - sentence just to say, Mr. Gee Wiz
    that you are DANGEROUSLY stOOpid! Has anyone ever had a service talk
    with you about the Magnitude of your stOOpidity?

    Are you a Generational Kultist?
    A result of decades of "spiritual" Inbreeding?
    I've seen it happen before to certain ones, and it is NOT a pretty picture.

    Just because they are an organization you detest,
    Just because I am a person you evidently detest,
    and why? because I do my level best to expose the Wickedness,
    the Corruption, the despicable EVIL
    of the Watchtowercult, which it seems you can't help but "take up for"...

    What is it with you dudes? You come here and to other forums and try
    to deflect negative attention away from the Watchtower, to shield them
    from receiving the full brunt of publicity over their High Crimes...
    yet you guys are NEVER bona fide jehovah's Witnesses - only sympathizers,
    relatives of jWs, friends of, once studied with, worked with a jW,
    just passing through (like "little_lamb_on_a_hill" last week, who just
    was innocently surfing the Net, and "stumbled" across this newsgroup...
    and just couldn't believe the heat that the Watchtower Society was taking...)

    But NEVER a REEL jehovah Witness come here to stick up for and attempt
    to defend the Kult. Never. Not here. Not out yonder on other parts of the Net.

    their material is still copyrighted, and bound by copyright laws.

    And THAT'S the best gripe you gots?
    What about "CONTENT" of the illustrations, that as a "journalist",
    a "reporter", I've been "hanging" in a "Gallery".
    Does THAT disturb you at all?
    Haven't heard you make a peep about the content of the images.

    You're upset about supposed "copyright violations"...

    Hey, I would NEVER use a Watchtower image that they have pirated,
    and believe you me, they have stolen a BUNCH of art from Worldly Publications,
    and retooled them for their own print propaganda.

    I make reasonably sure that the images I "hang" are truly WT-kreated.

    But, as far as "fair use" copyright laws... why, we have the Watchtower
    itself to partially thank for that... what, with all those "Freedom of"
    cases they had tried before the Supreme Court in the 1930s and 40s,
    making sure that we ALL had 1st Amendment Protections of Free Speech.

    I'm just implementing and making use of the "freedoms" the Watchtowerkult
    helped win for me and others. (((heeeeeee!)))

    Even though it is evident that the pictures you post
    are from the WTB&TS and you do give them credit.
    Did you get their permission first? I don't think so.

    I tell ya what, hotshit, since you gots a "brother-in-law" at Bethel,
    why don't you report me to him, and then he can "turn me in" to
    the Theocratic Authorities and the Watchtower Suits can come after me
    and take me to court, and then, then they can sue me for "breach of copyrite"
    and then all that's said in court will go on 'The Public Record'
    and THEN we can make sure the Visibility of those Watchtower Works of "Art"
    will get MAXIMUM EXPOSURE!

    So it's OK for you to rip off "intellectual" property, but not them? Hypocrite!

    See comments above, stOOp.

    I have my big differences with the WTB&TS

    OH?!? ... I haven't noticed.

    "BIG" differences you say?

    Pray tell, can you repeat one for me?

    Keep on smilin' Tallyman,

    I'm not smilin', Gee Wiz.

    Here are your brothers and sisters doing all the schick SMILIN':


    pretty soon you might have that banana sticking out of your ass.

    Are you threatening me with physical Violence, Mr. Gee Wiz?

    That, or you're trying to 'turn on' certain bonobos who frequent this joint.

    Hey, why don't you send me an email to my OPEN email box with that same threat,
    Mr. Gee Wizzy? Oh! I see, you've a "private" PadLocked Mailbox, huh?
    Why is that, Khickenshit?

    Better to keep your mouth shut...

    I know you and your Kult would like to shut me up,
    like "the_stumbling_lamb_on_a_hill" said last week,
    with the standard:

    "why can't you former jWs just leave quietly if you have issues with the WT??"

    You or your Favorite Kult ain't gonna shut me up, Mr. Gee Wiz.

    LOve, Tallyman
    p.s. Anyone else all rankled about possible copyright violations like Wizzy?

  • dungbeetle

    My dearest 'wiz' is beating a dead horse on this one. Wiz,you should have gone back and looked it up FIRST before commenting on what someone said.

    It's called 'fair use', 'wiz'. And now the Watchtower says there is 'no charge', so they don't even have that argument.

    There's no getting around it--the Watchtower said what they said. The contrast between Watchtower apocolyptic depictions and reality is absolutely sobering.

    Governments all over the world are now intervening to protect Jehovah's Witnesses from their own religion. Religions all over the world are opening up their hearts, homes, buildings and pocketbooks to take in Jehovah's Witnesses FLEEING FOR THEIR LIVES from this religion.

    Here in the United States, the US government has responded to these depictions of 'die die die' in a way the 'spirit-driven' Watchtower should have foreseen.

    ...No, not what the Watchtower predicted--the US turning on the Watchtower. Nothing so complicated. All the US government is having to do is to get out of the line of fire---and let the ex-jw's do the work themselves, by allowing former/present members to sue the Watchtower. Other countries are going to figure that out as well. Why should the governments be the bad guys and risk the bad publicity---when members and former members are standing by just waiting for a clear 'shot' (legally speaking).

    You gotta love that 'what goes around comes around' thang....

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Hey, Wiz should be overjoyed at all the free advertising you are giving him! It is quite expensive these days.

    The phones must be ringing off the hook! "When can EYE get a bible study! Hurry over please!

    Maybe you should cut him some slack, he's obviously embarrassed, and depending how long in the "club" he might have been handin these out.
    Like most, they just wish they didn't have to defend this doomsday cult.

  • teejay

    So let me get this straight, Tally.

    Among other things, Wiz took issue with a photo on your website that you took from a WT book or mag, a photo that *it* took from another source (infringing on the copyright)? In other words, he infringed on your copyright, even though the photo in question -- copied from a WT source -- had, in fact, been... umm... stolen by the WT from yet another source? It that right?

    This is all starting to get a little confusing. Maybe it’s too late. Or maybe I’ll just have another beer. See ya, Tally.

    As usual... too funny.

  • COMF

    Hiya, Tallywhacker! Have you ever thought of taking up a hobby? Banjo, maybe? Or woodworking? It's a great way to expend a lot of creative energy and vision! Or drumming... that's one of the things I love to do (along with woodworking). A couple of hours of thrashing at a well-tuned drumset with all four limbs in overdrive will do things to your state of mind that'd make the runner's-high crowd green with envy.

    Give it some thought, man!


  • Lefty

    Excellent suggestion, COMF.

    gone to get his banjo
    out of the closet.

  • avengers

    Here's copyright for ya.


  • Tallyman

    Will Power:

    Hey, Wiz should be overjoyed at all the free advertising
    you are giving him! It is quite expensive these days.

    Hey Will! ("Will Power"... that sounds like a movie star name. kewl!
    like in brother to "Tyrone"...)

    Yeah, you'd a think Wizzer would THANK me for exhibiting all that "Art",
    and all his online brothers and sisters, who are probably kicking themselves
    and saying: "Wow! why didn't I Think of that?!?"

    Digitally Archiving and Preserving the Watchtowerkult's Rich Heritage...
    sooner or later someone was a bound to have done it.
    I just started what others can add onto...

    The phones must be ringing off the hook!
    "When can EYE get a bible study! Hurry over please!

    You reckon?
    Oh, I Doo hope you are right!

    Maybe you should cut him some slack, he's obviously embarrassed, and depending how long in the "club" he might have been handin these out.

    Uhhh, but I have so much more Watchtower "Art" to hang, and even at that,
    I'll only be able to present a fraction of it all.
    I tell ya what.
    Once I'm finished with my "Gallery" of Watchtower "Art", I'll stop.
    How's that?
    THEN I'll cut Mr.GeeWhiz some "slack".

    Hey, did you hear about Brother and Sister Slack in Chicago...
    and what they did to their little daughter?
    I was thinking they may've been "inspired" by Watchtower "Art"
    to commit that atrocity.

    Bad Art can cause Bad Things to happen when people become infatuated with it...

    THAT is why I think it is sooo important to get this stuff out to
    the public's attention... as a Warning, a Public Service Announcement...
    that jWs who regularly "feed" on this kind of graphic content,
    could be Extremely Dangerous, especially if they're Unstable
    to begin with...

    Like most, they just wish they didn't have to defend this doomsday cult.

    But, Mr. Gee Wiz might not be in the "like most" category.

    He may be Hard-Kore Kultist.

    You gotta consider that possibility.



    So let me get this straight, Tally.
    Among other things, Wiz took issue with a photo on your website ...

    He took issue with EVERYTHING on my site.

    And like I told him, to the best of my knowledge,
    I haven't used ANY Watchtower-purloined images,
    I've only used images fabricated from Pure Watchtower Delusion.

    This is all starting to get a little confusing.
    didja ever see that Abbott & Costello routine about "Who's On First?"



    Hiya, Tallywhacker!

    Hiya, KOMF!
    Heee, everytime I see that akronym for "Kaptain Of My (own) Fart"...
    it kracks me up! Is that your way of joking that you may be getting old,
    but at least you are still fully Kontinent and In Kontrol of all bodily functions?

    "Tallywhacker"... ahh, that name takes me back and brings back memories.
    All my friends from grade school through high school used to call me that.
    Remember, a looong time ago, KOMF, when WE used to be friends?

    Have you ever thought of taking up a hobby?

    Hmm. Why? I have a hobby. I thought it was obvious by now.
    I deal in Watchtower "Art".

    Ohh, I get it. you didn't actually read my start post on this thread,
    you only scanned it, just enough to try to be able to make a few
    smart ass comments, rite?

    You musta missed the part where I exclaim:
    "I don't profit from it (WT "Art"), except deriving Immense Satisfaction
    that I am helping to Expose their 'Snare & A Racket'."

    Banjo, maybe?

    Urk! The dullest musical instrument ever made, although I have seen
    and heard Bela Fleck do some interesting things with it.

    Beside, I don't need a Banjo to "Duel" with the Watchtowerkult.
    Get it?
    Get it??
    "Dueling Banjos"...??
    An ol' Texas Redneck like you oughta know what ahm talking 'bout.

    Or woodworking?

    I do work in wood a bit.
    In fact, I'm an Artist.
    In more fact, I used to be a Watchtower Artist.
    So, you can see why I would have such a thang for Watchtower "art".

    Would you like to view some of my work?
    I've got pictures! I could scan them and upload...

    In even more fact, some of my work still "hangs" at the Kult Kompound near WallKill.
    In still even more fact, some of my art there, is done in the medium of wood-
    sand-carved wood.

    So, yeah, I've dabbled in wood a bit.

    It's a great way to expend a lot of creative energy and vision!

    Yeah. Mmm-hmm. For folks sans hobbies, might be a good recommendation.

    Or drumming... that's one of the things I love to do (along with woodworking).

    Well good for you! Like to beat the skin, huh?
    Can you do rim-shots?
    Is that how you learned to take Cheap-Shots?

    A couple of hours of thrashing at a well-tuned drumset
    with all four limbs in overdrive will do things
    to your state of mind that'd make the runner's-high crowd green with envy.

    Well, if Beating-Off puts you into some ecstatic altered state... then, well,
    I can see why YOU would go for it.

    Give it some thought, man!

    Okay. I just did.

    Yeah, I surely do go for working in the field of Watchtower "Art" as a hobby,
    and really as MORE than a hobby. It's a civic duty, and a way to "give back"
    to those who "gave" me so much. I feel it almost obligatory on my part...
    that, and it's SOOooo much fun to do...
    How could I NOT like it?

    Working all ten fingers on that keyboard, getting into a little grove,
    and clicking that mouse, and all the while putting my head in a good
    place while I march to the beat of a different drummer.
    wOw! It's soo kewl.

    But hey, why don't you give some thought to using your vast compooting
    abilities and design a dedicated website, to, you know, help others
    and "give back" to those who "gave" you so much.

    Like I've got mine set up on the theme of Bad Art,
    you could design a website geared for Bad Poetry.

    Bad Art has inspired some who haven't been warned of its dangers,
    to do bad things, to even commit atrocities...
    just like Bad Poetry, like ... lessee what's that poem that inspired
    Timothy McVeigh to blow up that Federal Building with a Truck bomb... ? ...
    oh yeah, "InviKtus". Yeah, that's the one.

    So, you see, you could help others by doing a webpage that warned
    of the dangers of reading bad poetry... and Yee-OUCH!, there is a LOT
    of Bad Watchtower Poetry floating around out there.

    So, whadda ya say KOMF, "Give it some thought, man!"



    Can you show us more pictures of the inside?

    Like "Step #1", "Step #2 to Doo #2", etc.


    LOve, Tallyman

  • Satanus


    I just downloaded all the catholic councils, from nicea to vatican 2. It's all freely available on the net, along w many of the writings of great catholic scholars. It's really funny how the big-bad-babylon-the-great-whore has so much of it's literature, good and bad, available for all, to do to whatever they want with it; and the wt, w it's waters-of-life-giving-truth seeks to limit its propagation, especially the older waters-of-truth, flashes-of-light. I think everything of theirs should be put on the net. I thank you tally, for putting up some of it.


  • Scully

    Gawwwrrrssshhh Tallyman:

    You or your Favorite Kult ain't gonna shut me up, Mr. Gee Wiz.

    Y'all dun gone an' made me feel all spirit-chewal an' everythang.... you reminded me of a sKripture what sez:

    "Nevertheless, in order that it may not be spread abroad further among the people, let us tell them with threats not to speak anymore upon the basis of this name to any man at all." With that they called them and charged them, nowhere to make any utterance or to teach upon the basis of the name of Jesus. But in reply Peter and John said to them: "Whether it is righteous in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, judge for yourselves. But as for us, we cannot stop speaking about the things we have seen and heard." So when they had further threatened them, they released them, since they did not find any ground on which to punish them... - Acts 4:17-21 [NWT]

    It's kinda KOOL, ain't it, when schtuff like this happens, huh??

    Love, Scully

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