Anybody on board who has heard about recent events in Winnipeg? Involving a 'Taliban' like 'Welder, elder' and how the congregation got disbanned as a result of his 'rule'????
Winipeg Scandals involving the 'Welder'
by researcher 11 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Will Power
No. Are you from Winnipeg? Did you know that that is where the name for "Winnie the Pooh" came from?
Winnie the pooh, i know of him. He was a taoist, i think.
No, not from Winnipeg, but have heard about the story. Surely, someone out there has heard of this???
Or how about the so called Elder who worked for the City Of Winnipeg, and was publicly caught picking up 'hookers' and now is serving again as an Elder???? Betweem him and the Welder Elder, can't mention his name, but apparently it rythms with Gee Crapko?? any takers out there???
I lived in Winnipeg between 1979 and 1982, but have pretty much lost contact with the place since then.
If anyone has any info, let me know. The name that rhymes with "Gee Crapko" sounds like someone I know.
How about rymths with Fee Fratko, tee trapko? Apparently he is a real prize. One of those that can only be described as an abuser of power. He thinks he's a real trouble shooter, but the only thing he accomplishes is alienates people and he was the sole number one reason a congregation in Winnipeg was recently disbanded. Yet he continues to serve as an elder because he has a current Circuit Overseer named Sawnmore in his back pocket.
Name that Winnipeg congregation that got disbanded in early 2002. We can skip the guy's name, whether George or Freddie -ko or whoever. How in the world though did one single guy cause an entire congregation to be disbanded to other congregations? Sounds strange.
current Circuit Overseer named Sawnmore[sic]
you mean Grant Sonmore, right?? [8>]
that doesn't surprise me in the least!
Love, Scully
You got it Scully. Hit the nail on the head. Never been in Winnipeg but my sources tell me that the welder elder, I believe his name is Dee was responsible for four long time elders being deleted. All because they didn't agree with him. However, the majority in the hall highly respected these four that were deleted, and it created a real division. To the point where meeting attendances dropped, etc, and the only recourse was to dissolve the hall. But Mr. Dee G. continues on, even though he has a history of hyprocrisy. But, what else is new.
Anyone else hear of the congregation being deleted?
"Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
[Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]