Memorial and Time Zones

by pixel 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    never thought of that one more "fact" they don't understand

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    We had a screw up locally. They schuduled two memorials at one reception hall.

    One is at 7:00 p.m., the second at 8:00 p.m.

    The sun sets locally at 7:59 p.m. Hmmmmmmmmmmm . . .


  • RubaDub
    We had a screw up locally. They schuduled two memorials at one reception hall.

    Wow, stay out of the way when the wine and matzos hit the fan.

    Rub a Dub

  • pixel

    Lol @ Zed. For real? I bet the GB/WT/FDS will send a letter next year explaining how to read a clock.

  • Larsinger58

    I don't think it really matters, since there is a degree of flexibility in the calendar.

    The WTS follows a certain rule, for instance, 18 hours after the technical new moon since that is the earliest they determined any real new crescent could be seen. But astronomical texts show that the date was called as early as 10 hours after the technical new moon. So it was a judgment call or a convenience call. I don't think it much matters; that day's difference.

  • blondie

    As to sundown, the WTS uses that as the time when they start passing the emblems, not the time when people are seated. It might have been a long time since some have been at the memorial or paid attention but I remember the speaker would emphasisze that, the emblems would not be passed until after sundown and that the memorial started at that point.

    As to time zones, rarely does a WTS have more than 2 congregations in the same building celebrating that night separately. Other congregations rent facilities. Thus even starting after sundown with seating the first group and allowing for the changeover to the next group, no one would be celebrating anywhere near after midnight to the next day.

    *** km 3/09 p. 1 Be Thoroughly Prepared for the Memorial ***Emblems: Make sure that the emblems will not be passed until after sundown.

    *** w85 2/15 p. 19 The “Other Sheep” and the Lord’s Evening Meal ***Meeting Procedure

    Time of celebration: Although the talk may start earlier, the emblems should not be passed until after sundown.

  • likeabird
    The sun sets locally at 7:59 p.m.

    What do they do in far northern/southern places where the sun barely sets?

  • frankiespeakin

    How does one determine memorial time when above the artic and antartical circles of the earth where the sun rises or set once every six months?

  • blondie

    We are assuming then that witnesses live in those areas?

    So when does the sun not set in those areas....on March 26?

    Or is the day the sun does not set in the Arctic is June 21 not March 26?

  • sd-7
    I bet the GB/WT/FDS will send a letter next year explaining how to read a clock.

    Ha ha! That's worthy of a Beast-Tower article, for sure. 'Questions From Readers: How Should Christians Properly Read A Clock?'


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