The only honest answer to this is: I don't know. But then everyone knows that! Pretty much all creatures will try very hard to sustain their lives. We chalk this up as instinct and I have no problem with that. I think that as humans we have this instinct as well. But...we are also able to contemplate our end. I find that significant. It's such a terrible waste when a human dies. It's like taking the time to write a very complex and innovative program and not saving it to a disk. After you're just about finished working out the bugs and have it going your way, you shut off the computer. You may be able to write ANOTHER program but THAT one is gone forever.
Is Death the End?
by gilwarrior 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Death is the last enemy.
So afterlife means no more enemies?
Just thinking out loud.
It doesn't make things meaningless UNLESS we let it. And what could be more meaningless than living a life to achieve some promised afterlife that is just a lie?
the above words sum it up so nicely. When folks ask me about:
How did we get here , where are we going?"
I answer I don't know, but i do know i don't want to make up some answer just to say i have an answer>
if you look thruout history we can clearly see the pattern of folks sincerely wanting answers and sure enough along comes some dude who will offer you one, doens't matter if it is right or wrong, most folks just want an answer.
well i realize that i don't have to any A ANSWER TO EVERYTHING.
there is not one person of one faith who has talked to someone who went to heavn or hell- now i truly understand what Faith means:
"you just gottta believeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" even if it aint' right
how sad
Double Edge
Saint:[QUOTE]Another thing that you could do, is a search on nde, near death experiences. Try to get some from atheists. Read a few of those. Of course most scientists think those are hallucinations caused by wierd brain chemical changes[/QUOTE
A few years ago I talked with a couple of people who had near-death experiences... they were so interesting that started researching on the internet. There are numberous sites. A few of the stories are a little bizarre, but for the most part they make for something-out of-the-ordinary reads. Re the quote above, scientist do ridicule the notion of life after death, but then again they're scientist and they're trying to physically prove something that's not physical. There are dozens of stories, however, that disprove the scientist claim....experiences where something more was going on besides "mindgames". Also, there are a lot of previously non-believing Doctors who now have changed their opinions after some of their experiences with their patients. I especially like the Doctor that worked with terminally ill children...their stories are facinating because the have no biases. The following is a link with people's personal experiences if anyone's interested, or like SAINT said type into a search engine "near death experiences"
I'm of the opinion that "life" is just a complex runaway chemical reaction that has spread across the earth - and perhaps other celestial objects.
What happens when we die? The chemical reaction changes to a pattern of decay. The resulting structures are either consumed by other life forms, are vented into the atmosphere, or absorbed into the ground and water.
"As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
Believe in yourself, not mythology.
<x >< -
Double Edge
How comforting Elsewhere... if I had know that, I would have checked out years ago.
For all of you true believers in paradise after death... I propose the Shot Gun experiment:
Plant the end of the barrel under your chin pointing to the back of your head and pull the trigger.
Walla! All of your earthly problems solved and you are in paradise!
Me? I believe in life BEFORE death.
"As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
Believe in yourself, not mythology.
<x >< -
Double Edge
Ah, but there's the rub...if you believe in Paradise after death, shotguns are a big NO NO and therefore no paradise and your problems have just really begun. I too believe in LIFE before mortal death. But I also think we are eternal and that what we call death (boogie boogie) is but a transfer.