Greatly enjoying your story!!
by Slavenomore 44 Replies latest jw friends
wow. ... excellent. thanks so much for sharing. proving to us we have all sone the right thing. everyone is and has been telling the truth.
thank you
Welcome, your story is very interesting, especially for those of us who never saw "behind the curtain", into the elders' meetings.
Real Spirituality had little to do with being an elder. Yes there were prayers, but was there any holy spirit? Rules , meetings and organizational matters...and talks from the co like: are you a theocratic or organization man type of stuff, and mother this and mother that. Good god how people put up with it? Shepherding the flock had but a minor role in our hall it seemed, but if someone got caught or turned in or was whispered about...its meeting time! But all said the congo was for the most part a loving group of people form all walks of life. The oldersisters were always so encouraging to me, many were themselves and didnt hide in masks. Then to be reproved and to leave in disgrace probably not the best way, to say the least, to handle my inner conflict. But we all make mistakes. I was dropped like a stone in the pond. Except for my closest friends. I remember One true friend, an ex elder and seeing the sausage first hand was enough for him and he stepped down, a wise wise decision. He and I and his wife and my ex hit it off, traveling together and dining in and out together. When I was reproved he called me and invited me over. Told me not to worry, the only thing he said in regard to my "sin" was why cigarettes? At least you could of done something more enjoyable like pot! I admitted I hadn't thought of that!It is at these times, when we are at our lowest point that we find out who our friends are...and for that it was the best thing that could have happened to me... To know who your true friends are, priceless. Another more anything except for meetings and service. Scratch that, service...only when forced out the door by the wife. No more lies and no more pretense, it was liberating. By smoking and violating this rule it did to me what i couldnt do for myself, which was to step down and fade out(actually didnt even hear of know of such term till about a month ago). The stress then came from my marriage.
It's amazing how everyone is considered and spoken of as 'friend' in the org, yet so many people, that I observed are lonely, depressed afraid to let down their guard, to express their deep feelings about the one thing that brought us all together...the watchtower inc. prevents a real friendship in my opinion. Friend in the organization is just another example of doublespeak. For example: Would a friend turn you in and thus make your life a living hell with the elders? What are we encouraged to do by the org? In the watchtower simple never know what level of programming the other has, thus honesty real honesty is something that I found lacking. Yes, its somewhat true, no one in the book study is going to steal your wallet...but if they had a doubt would they speak it? I had a few sisters and only a couple of brothers who expressed slight hesistations about some teaching or the UN involvement. I certainly didn't rat them out, just listened, felt honored they felt I was trustworthy for such expressions...not so with others, as I experienced. Now looking back on the whole absurd comedy of my life in watchtower inc. I can see it clearly now, there are for sure so many who simply are there for family and friends and somehow put up with the intolerable boredom of the mind numbing meetings.
Welcome, JWN is a Great Place people who want out of this crazy Cult. A Lot of Great people here who want to help out and share their experience's that we can relate to.
gone for good
Slavenomore -
Welcome friend. You and I have so very much in common.
It has always seemed too exhausting an enterprise, to commit the sad cult years to writing -
strangely that is what you have just done... and eloquently.
Thank you. GfG
Thanks zodino and i agree totally.
gfg, I'm doing a cathartic purge, a mental cleansing, perhaps smacking of self indulgence. But after reading so many otherrs stories i felt i needed to write mine. do you have a story on some thread here? if so get me the link.
Welcome Slavenomore, From your posts you seem to have adjusted fairly well to learning "TTATT". I'm glad that you are happily married now.
Since the WTBTS's BITE control is more insidious than most people can believe, have you read any of Steve Hassan's books (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves", and (his latest book) "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs"), visited his website, and/or watched his videos? Reading Steve Hassan's books or watching his videos may help you to answer your questions about how you were recruited into the WTBTS. Under the right circumstances, anyone can be recruited into a dangerous cult, even intelligent and educated people.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
SLAVENOMORE- Welcome to the board my friend. Nice to have you here 1 I was working on a big job myself for a few days and missed your thread ! Please know that we are here as a friend and a support to you. I too was once married to a fanatic, hardcore JW woman for 19 years who took the WT bedroom rules much too seriously. But like yourself I found a great gal and have been happily married going on almost 7 years to a non-Witness woman.
I was a born-in who left at age 44 almost 10 years ago so I know how you feel about the burdens we all felt. I felt like a ton of bricks came off of my shoulders once I stopped attending. Life is wonderful and it's great to have freedom of mind, isn't it ? If you haven't had the chance to read Steve Hassan's books about mind control, they are really helpful in clearing up what happened to us during our JW experience. I've read all 3 of his books and it really put pieces of the puzzle together for me. His 3 books are titled : 1. Combatting Cult Mind Control 2. Releasing the Bonds - Empowering People to Think for Themselves and 3. Freedom of Mind - Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs. Really great books to read.
Take care and it's really nice to have you here ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper